Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 12, 2011

2011 LOGIN Conference adding Facebook Game Boot Camp

The LOGIN Conference is an annual online game developer event held in Bellevue, Washington. Going on its fifth year, LOGIN has just announced that there will be an entire day-long track devoted solely to the development of Facebook games. The conference is held from May 16 through May 18, 2011, and the Facebook Game Developer Boot Camp will take place on Wednesday, May 18.

    The Facebook Game Developer Boot Camp, a day-long track, takes place Wednesday, May 18th. The track will cover topics such as current tools for virality, metrics, monetization and many others which are of significant and growing importance to a wide range of game developers looking to make the move into social games -- or to fine-tune their social game development they already have.

Given that social games are a major portion of online gaming as a whole, this will be a welcome addition to the conference. Developing games for Facebook is quite different than developing other online games, and this boot camp will teach interested game developers how to branch out into making games for this popular platform.

More information can be found about the Facebook Game Developer Boot Camp here.

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