It looks like we're seeing a change for the better in terms of free Farm Cash promotions in FarmVille, as there's another available this afternoon, from Yahoo. Technically, this promotion is encouraging users to add Yahoo! as their browser homepage, but as usual, there's a way around that (that still allows you your free Farm Cash)!
To start, you'll need to click on the sponsored link window displaying the Yahoo "Y" and then wait for the window to load (it might take a bit longer than normal, as the promotion has to decide which browser you're using to access it). From there, you're given instructions on how to make Yahoo! your homepage on that particular browser, but at the bottom of the window sits a countdown timer that starts at 30 seconds and slowly counts down (much more slowly than 30 seconds, that is). When it finally does run out, you can click on the "Finish" button to end the promotion and receive your two Farm Cash.
As usual, your Farm Cash should automatically update into your account upon closing this activity window, but if it doesn't, a simple refresh of the game should do the trick. Either way, make sure to complete this activity the very first time you see it appear under your FarmVille gameplay area, as these cross-promotions tend to be incredibly fast-moving, and may disappear even after refreshing the page.
Were you able to earn your free Farm Cash from Yahoo, or has the promotion not appeared for you yet? Sound off in the comments.
Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 9, 2011
FarmVille Capital One Free Gift: What's inside?
If you've played FarmVille at all in the last 24 hours, you're likely aware that a Capital One cross-promotional farm has appeared in the game, giving you a chance to earn a free Capital One Goat and some "Capital One" instant grow. What you might have missed, however, is the release of a Capital One Gift on the game's free gifts page. This box can be thought of as a mystery box, as you'll never know which item you'll receive when opening one.
There are quite a few items that can be found inside each Capital One Gift, but unfortunately only a few are really "exciting." Here's a list of items that we've received from those boxes so far:
Pygmy Goat
Animal Feed
Passion Fruit Tree
Flower Sheep
While the Pygmy Goat and Farm Sheep are cute little animals, we've easily received an overwhelming amount of Passion Fruit Trees, and little of everything else. Whether that means those are the most common prizes, or we're just "unlucky" remains to be seen. This Capital One gift will only be available to send for the next nine days, so make sure to send some now while you still can (and ask for some in return!).
Have you received any other items from your Capital One Gifts? Let us know and we'll add them here! Sound off in the comments.
There are quite a few items that can be found inside each Capital One Gift, but unfortunately only a few are really "exciting." Here's a list of items that we've received from those boxes so far:
Pygmy Goat
Animal Feed
Passion Fruit Tree
Flower Sheep
While the Pygmy Goat and Farm Sheep are cute little animals, we've easily received an overwhelming amount of Passion Fruit Trees, and little of everything else. Whether that means those are the most common prizes, or we're just "unlucky" remains to be seen. This Capital One gift will only be available to send for the next nine days, so make sure to send some now while you still can (and ask for some in return!).
Have you received any other items from your Capital One Gifts? Let us know and we'll add them here! Sound off in the comments.
capital one,
farmville capital one,
farmville capital one gift,
farmville free gifts,
free gifts,
Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 9, 2011
CityVille Rose Garden Goals: Everything you need to know
While summer may quickly be drawing to a close, CityVille hopes to keep the summer fun alive by letting us have a place to grow beautiful flowers. Appropriately enough, this new "building" is called the Rose Garden, and you'll place it in your city when completing the first of four new goals that go along with it.
Garden State
* Place Rose Garden
* Plant a Rose in the Garden
The Rose Garden is a 4x4 structure that works similarly to the Zoo, in that you'll only be able to display three flowers on the outside of the garden, but can actually leave more of them inside. To start, you'll receive a single flower for free (that's right - this one doesn't need to be built at all after placing it in your town): a White Wild Rose. Once you look inside the building, just click on the Plant button and you'll be able to "feature" that rose as one of the three that show up on the outside. Once you finish these two (simple) steps, you'll receive 160 coins as your reward.
A Late Bloomer
* Ask friends for 3 Shovels
* Have 3 Gardens in your City
* Water your Gardens 5 Times
Gardens can be watered once every 18 hours, and yes, you can have more than one in your city. In fact, you'll need to have three before you can finish this goal. Your second and third Rose Gardens would cost 50,000 coins in the store, but luckily, you can also purchase Small Rose Gardens (a smaller version of the regular Rose Garden) for just 8,000 coins. These do count for the completion of this goal. As for the shovels, you'll be able to post a general news item to your wall asking for three. Finishing this goal gives you Sculpted Tree.
It's Showtime!
* Get 10 Rose Bushes
* Have 1 Rose Collection item from the Garden Collection
* Place one Rose Garden Gate in your city
To earn additional bushes, you'll go into your gardens (as seen above) and then click on "Ask for flowers" to ask your friends to send you some bushes. Finishing this goal gives you 32 experience points.
Comin' Up Roses
* Ask friends for 4 Vases
* Have 7 Roses Planted in your Gardens
* Have an upgraded Flower Kiosk
As it looks like each garden can only display three flowers, you'll need to have flowers in at least three Gardens to reach seven. As for updating your Flower Kiosk, you can find our guide for doing just that right here. Finishing this final goal gives you a Roses Fountain.
We'll make sure to let you know if other kinds of gardens are made available in the build menu in the future, but for now - have fun growing and displaying all of those roses!
Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.
What do you think of the Rose Garden feature in CityVille? What do you think of these goals? Sound off in the comments.
Garden State
* Place Rose Garden
* Plant a Rose in the Garden
The Rose Garden is a 4x4 structure that works similarly to the Zoo, in that you'll only be able to display three flowers on the outside of the garden, but can actually leave more of them inside. To start, you'll receive a single flower for free (that's right - this one doesn't need to be built at all after placing it in your town): a White Wild Rose. Once you look inside the building, just click on the Plant button and you'll be able to "feature" that rose as one of the three that show up on the outside. Once you finish these two (simple) steps, you'll receive 160 coins as your reward.
A Late Bloomer
* Ask friends for 3 Shovels
* Have 3 Gardens in your City
* Water your Gardens 5 Times
Gardens can be watered once every 18 hours, and yes, you can have more than one in your city. In fact, you'll need to have three before you can finish this goal. Your second and third Rose Gardens would cost 50,000 coins in the store, but luckily, you can also purchase Small Rose Gardens (a smaller version of the regular Rose Garden) for just 8,000 coins. These do count for the completion of this goal. As for the shovels, you'll be able to post a general news item to your wall asking for three. Finishing this goal gives you Sculpted Tree.
It's Showtime!
* Get 10 Rose Bushes
* Have 1 Rose Collection item from the Garden Collection
* Place one Rose Garden Gate in your city
To earn additional bushes, you'll go into your gardens (as seen above) and then click on "Ask for flowers" to ask your friends to send you some bushes. Finishing this goal gives you 32 experience points.
Comin' Up Roses
* Ask friends for 4 Vases
* Have 7 Roses Planted in your Gardens
* Have an upgraded Flower Kiosk
As it looks like each garden can only display three flowers, you'll need to have flowers in at least three Gardens to reach seven. As for updating your Flower Kiosk, you can find our guide for doing just that right here. Finishing this final goal gives you a Roses Fountain.
We'll make sure to let you know if other kinds of gardens are made available in the build menu in the future, but for now - have fun growing and displaying all of those roses!
Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.
What do you think of the Rose Garden feature in CityVille? What do you think of these goals? Sound off in the comments.
Zynga gives free rides to FarmVille Lighthouse Cove starting today
FarmVille Lighthouse Cove screen
Oh, you patient ones. Now is finally the time to see if waiting in the freebie line was worth it. For those FarmVille players that declined to fork up 55 Farm Cash ($10 USD, to be exact), the Lighthouse Cove expansion will be available to all starting today. We assume, as with all changes or major releases by Zynga, that this release will be a slow roll-out.
Just like players did early last week, they will hop on a sail boat to a New England-esque coastal farming village. Unfortunately, the area has been ravaged by a brutal storm, and Brenda--the town's resident widow--has enlisted you to help restore it. You'll slowly level up your Lighthouse by repairing the lighthouse, dock and more through quests.
However, free players will not receive the exclusive quests and items given to those who put up the dough. Regardless there looks to be a ton of content here with a larger focus on building a village than simply farming crops. For instance, you'll have fewer plots to farm on that unlock over time in Lighthouse Cove, though those crops yield far more coins, XP and Mastery.
In addition to farming, you can harvest the Cove once its restored for ingredients to use in Restaurant recipes like clams and lobster for dishes like New England Clam Chowder and Lobster Rolls. Another interesting change with FarmVille LC in comparison to its first expansion, English Countryside, is that all quests will be timed this time around.
Gallery: FarmVille Lighthouse Cove
And that includes the bonus quests, courtesy of Brenda. Because quests were persistent throughout FarmVille EC, it was easy for friends to speed ahead or slip behind one another in their progress. "It was harder for players to work on the same thing in English Countryside," FarmVille GM Nate Etter explains.
FarmVille Sailor CalfDuring an early look of the game, Etter told us that the team was going for "a FarmVille meets Martha's Vineyard style." "Players seem to love water, which was a major source of inspiration for Lighthouse Cove," Etter recalls. "I think we're constantly listening to players, [and] that will govern where FarmVille will go."
So, while you're enjoying the serene orange glow and brisk autumn breeze of Lighthouse Cove (imagination, people), try to think up where you would like to go next, and take it to the Facebook page or forums--they're all ears. As for why the second expansion was released early to players who paid Farm Cash, a Zynga representative told us, "We have so many passionate players, that we wanted to offer them a first look at the game."
Well, patience has its payoffs, my friends. Namely, it saves you money. So, enjoy that peace of mind, and increase that peace in FarmVille's Lighthouse Cove. Good things come to those who (choose to) wait--that's especially because we have a bevy of content to get you through your first several hours in FarmVille LC. Enjoy.
Did you pay to get into the FarmVille Lighthouse Cove Early? What do you think of all the new content so far? Sound off in the comments. 3 Comments
Oh, you patient ones. Now is finally the time to see if waiting in the freebie line was worth it. For those FarmVille players that declined to fork up 55 Farm Cash ($10 USD, to be exact), the Lighthouse Cove expansion will be available to all starting today. We assume, as with all changes or major releases by Zynga, that this release will be a slow roll-out.
Just like players did early last week, they will hop on a sail boat to a New England-esque coastal farming village. Unfortunately, the area has been ravaged by a brutal storm, and Brenda--the town's resident widow--has enlisted you to help restore it. You'll slowly level up your Lighthouse by repairing the lighthouse, dock and more through quests.
However, free players will not receive the exclusive quests and items given to those who put up the dough. Regardless there looks to be a ton of content here with a larger focus on building a village than simply farming crops. For instance, you'll have fewer plots to farm on that unlock over time in Lighthouse Cove, though those crops yield far more coins, XP and Mastery.
In addition to farming, you can harvest the Cove once its restored for ingredients to use in Restaurant recipes like clams and lobster for dishes like New England Clam Chowder and Lobster Rolls. Another interesting change with FarmVille LC in comparison to its first expansion, English Countryside, is that all quests will be timed this time around.
Gallery: FarmVille Lighthouse Cove
And that includes the bonus quests, courtesy of Brenda. Because quests were persistent throughout FarmVille EC, it was easy for friends to speed ahead or slip behind one another in their progress. "It was harder for players to work on the same thing in English Countryside," FarmVille GM Nate Etter explains.
FarmVille Sailor CalfDuring an early look of the game, Etter told us that the team was going for "a FarmVille meets Martha's Vineyard style." "Players seem to love water, which was a major source of inspiration for Lighthouse Cove," Etter recalls. "I think we're constantly listening to players, [and] that will govern where FarmVille will go."
So, while you're enjoying the serene orange glow and brisk autumn breeze of Lighthouse Cove (imagination, people), try to think up where you would like to go next, and take it to the Facebook page or forums--they're all ears. As for why the second expansion was released early to players who paid Farm Cash, a Zynga representative told us, "We have so many passionate players, that we wanted to offer them a first look at the game."
Well, patience has its payoffs, my friends. Namely, it saves you money. So, enjoy that peace of mind, and increase that peace in FarmVille's Lighthouse Cove. Good things come to those who (choose to) wait--that's especially because we have a bevy of content to get you through your first several hours in FarmVille LC. Enjoy.
Did you pay to get into the FarmVille Lighthouse Cove Early? What do you think of all the new content so far? Sound off in the comments. 3 Comments
Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 9, 2011
Mobile social game taps into 700K player base for children's charity
Parallel Kingdom 700,000K players
What do you do when you're a well-respected mobile game with 700K players worldwide? You design a virtual soup can helmet and sell it to your players for charity! At least, that's what Per Blue's Parallel Kingdom is doing (with Playmob) for the SOS Children relief in North Kenya.
SOS Children's Villages is an independently operated, international organization that's been saving kids since 1949. Currently, funds are needed for emergency food and medical aid due to a severe drought in the area. Soup Can Helmets cost 550 Food each (the virtual currency of Parallel Kingdom), which is the equivalent of $5.50 USD and enough to feed three children. Since the helmet is priced with Food, it's possible for you to not spend any real money on the helmet for it to still count. (In fact, for those of you who haven't liked the game's Facebook page yet, there's a free 100 Food offer that you can use towards a helmet purchase.)
According to Per Blue, this charity drive is at its halfway point with only a week left to go. So far, 550 Soup Can Helmets have been sold, which means 1,650 children have been cared for. If you play the game, you can buy the Soup Can Helmet in the PK Swag section of your local Trade Post until September 29.
Parallel Kingdom Donate Food
If you're new to the game and feeling adventurous, then after the tutorial stage, click on the Food tab on the bottom of your game screen to reach the Get Food menu. You'll see the Donate Food option, but it's really just a notice for the charity drive. Instead, you need to go to Travel, click on a Trade Hub (the one in Madison, WI is one of the two biggest ones), and locate your Local Trade Post, which should be a white building with a red roof buried under a dozen other players who are represented as little heads. Finally, you need to be at Level 2 to be allowed to purchase the helmet. (If you get lost, fire up the in-game chat. Special thanks goes to MisMoon, MoldyBanana, and ZeroGr@vity for their help.)
Parallel Kingdom Trade Post
Parallel Kingdom is best described as FourSquare meets a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). It surpassed a half million players in June, was voted 2009 Best Augmented Reality App Second Place (first place went to XMG Studio Inc.'s Pandemica) and 2009 Best MMO Game Third Place (beaten by ngmoco's Eliminate Pro, with Miraphonic's Epic Pet Wars in first place). Although Parallel Kingdom is not a true Facebook game (its Facebook game app simply links you to register on the website), it does possess Facebook Connect and can be played on your PC with a web browser.
Would you try out a game just to donate to charity? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment
What do you do when you're a well-respected mobile game with 700K players worldwide? You design a virtual soup can helmet and sell it to your players for charity! At least, that's what Per Blue's Parallel Kingdom is doing (with Playmob) for the SOS Children relief in North Kenya.
SOS Children's Villages is an independently operated, international organization that's been saving kids since 1949. Currently, funds are needed for emergency food and medical aid due to a severe drought in the area. Soup Can Helmets cost 550 Food each (the virtual currency of Parallel Kingdom), which is the equivalent of $5.50 USD and enough to feed three children. Since the helmet is priced with Food, it's possible for you to not spend any real money on the helmet for it to still count. (In fact, for those of you who haven't liked the game's Facebook page yet, there's a free 100 Food offer that you can use towards a helmet purchase.)
According to Per Blue, this charity drive is at its halfway point with only a week left to go. So far, 550 Soup Can Helmets have been sold, which means 1,650 children have been cared for. If you play the game, you can buy the Soup Can Helmet in the PK Swag section of your local Trade Post until September 29.
Parallel Kingdom Donate Food
If you're new to the game and feeling adventurous, then after the tutorial stage, click on the Food tab on the bottom of your game screen to reach the Get Food menu. You'll see the Donate Food option, but it's really just a notice for the charity drive. Instead, you need to go to Travel, click on a Trade Hub (the one in Madison, WI is one of the two biggest ones), and locate your Local Trade Post, which should be a white building with a red roof buried under a dozen other players who are represented as little heads. Finally, you need to be at Level 2 to be allowed to purchase the helmet. (If you get lost, fire up the in-game chat. Special thanks goes to MisMoon, MoldyBanana, and ZeroGr@vity for their help.)
Parallel Kingdom Trade Post
Parallel Kingdom is best described as FourSquare meets a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). It surpassed a half million players in June, was voted 2009 Best Augmented Reality App Second Place (first place went to XMG Studio Inc.'s Pandemica) and 2009 Best MMO Game Third Place (beaten by ngmoco's Eliminate Pro, with Miraphonic's Epic Pet Wars in first place). Although Parallel Kingdom is not a true Facebook game (its Facebook game app simply links you to register on the website), it does possess Facebook Connect and can be played on your PC with a web browser.
Would you try out a game just to donate to charity? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment
North Kenya,
Parallel Kingdom,
Per Blue,
SOS Childrens Villages,
Soup Can Helmet,
Soup Can Helmets
Putting the 'face' in Facebook games: Arkadium and Image Metrics
Arkadium is likely best known on Facebook for games like Mahjongg Dimensions and Cooking Mama, but that's about to change. Thanks to a brand new partnership with Image Metrics, an animation studio best known for the facial capture technology it provides to traditional game developers, your own face could be the star of Arkadium's next Facebook game.
During an interview with Gamasutra, the new found duo revealed Portable You, a new toolset for Facebook game developers--starting with New York City-based Arkadium--to allow players to include their own face as the centerpiece of their avatars. Using a simple webcam, Portable You, embedded in any given Facebook, could create a 3D rendering of your head and face.
By the way, that picture to the right is a 3D reproduction of an actress's face done by Image Metrics--it's not real. But we doubt Portable You will be as powerful. This is especially considering the technology was bought through an acquisition of Big Stage earlier this year.
"Mostly we've been the user of our own technologies," Image Metrics CEO Robert Gehorsam said to Gamasutra. "But we've also really come to realize and believe there's a major shift going on in how people want to represent themselves, express themselves and communicate online, starting with creating your own character in a game."
"We work directly from video; we don't require any kind of markers, or the special makeup," Gehorsam told Gamasutra. "We can go directly from a video screen or from a single image to 3D animation... through a whole bunch of equations that recognize the face in a 2D context. It's not a photo; it's really 3D."
Sure, this has the potential to introduce a never-before-seen level of immersion to Facebook games. The idea of representing or expressing yourself more accurately than ever has plenty of charm. But the more pressing question I have for Image Metrics is: How well does Portable You render beards?
What do you think this type of technology means for Facebook games in the future? Would you ever place a 3D version of yourself into your favorite Facebook games? Sound off in the comments. Add CommentAdd Comment
During an interview with Gamasutra, the new found duo revealed Portable You, a new toolset for Facebook game developers--starting with New York City-based Arkadium--to allow players to include their own face as the centerpiece of their avatars. Using a simple webcam, Portable You, embedded in any given Facebook, could create a 3D rendering of your head and face.
By the way, that picture to the right is a 3D reproduction of an actress's face done by Image Metrics--it's not real. But we doubt Portable You will be as powerful. This is especially considering the technology was bought through an acquisition of Big Stage earlier this year.
"Mostly we've been the user of our own technologies," Image Metrics CEO Robert Gehorsam said to Gamasutra. "But we've also really come to realize and believe there's a major shift going on in how people want to represent themselves, express themselves and communicate online, starting with creating your own character in a game."
"We work directly from video; we don't require any kind of markers, or the special makeup," Gehorsam told Gamasutra. "We can go directly from a video screen or from a single image to 3D animation... through a whole bunch of equations that recognize the face in a 2D context. It's not a photo; it's really 3D."
Sure, this has the potential to introduce a never-before-seen level of immersion to Facebook games. The idea of representing or expressing yourself more accurately than ever has plenty of charm. But the more pressing question I have for Image Metrics is: How well does Portable You render beards?
What do you think this type of technology means for Facebook games in the future? Would you ever place a 3D version of yourself into your favorite Facebook games? Sound off in the comments. Add CommentAdd Comment
: arkadium,
arkadium image metrics,
big stage,
image metrics,
image metrics arkadium,
portable you
NHL Superstars coming to Facebook in October
Adding to its popular brand of "Superstars" titles on Facebook, Electronic Arts has announced the production of NHL Superstars for Facebook. This new game, as reported by ShackNews, comes on the heels of EA's NHL 12 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 breaking franchise records for the biggest launch week in the franchise's history.
As for the franchise's jump onto the Facebook ice, we're told this: "NHL Superstars will bring an all-new NHL experience to millions of hockey fans by enabling players to build and manage their ultimate team of professional hockey players. With dynamic and accessible gameplay, fans can compete head-to-head in games against their Facebook friends from around the world."
While specific details are still lacking as to what we can exactly expect from NHL Superstars, we can't imagine EA / Playfish breaking the mold. We'll likely be able to collect cards that contain professional hockey players, and then trade those cards out to create the best team possible. Each player will likely have stats, and we'll be able to use those players in virtual hockey games against others for supremacy.
We don't have a specific release date for NHL Superstars, although the game is set to take to the ice sometime in October. We'll make sure to give you a complete look at the game when we know more.
Are you excited to see NHL Superstars come to Facebook? Which players will you look for to create your perfect team? Sound off in the comments.
To go along with the Animal Mastery feature released in Pioneer Trail this weekend, you can now also complete one of three new collections in the game. Two of these collections go with the new animals that have also been released: the Badger and Moose, while the third goes with the 4F Mastery Club itself.
4F Collection
* Rewards Spring Water and 80 XP
Badger Collection
* Rewards Free Critter Milk and 120 XP
Moose Collection
* Free Carrot Juice and 100 XP
As you might expect, you can earn each of these collections' items by tending to the appropriate animals (that is, you'll earn Badger Collection items for tending Badgers, and Moose Collection items for tending Moose), or by collecting the 4F Mastery Club's daily bonus. You'll also have a chance to earn these specific collectibles during the construction of the Mastery Club itself, although I wouldn't expect to receive the full set unless you're really lucky. By the way, if you're that lucky, would you mind letting some of that luck rub off on me?
Are you a fan of the collections in Pioneer Trail and actively try to complete them, or do you just let yourself complete these Collections casually? Let us know in the comments.
As for the franchise's jump onto the Facebook ice, we're told this: "NHL Superstars will bring an all-new NHL experience to millions of hockey fans by enabling players to build and manage their ultimate team of professional hockey players. With dynamic and accessible gameplay, fans can compete head-to-head in games against their Facebook friends from around the world."
While specific details are still lacking as to what we can exactly expect from NHL Superstars, we can't imagine EA / Playfish breaking the mold. We'll likely be able to collect cards that contain professional hockey players, and then trade those cards out to create the best team possible. Each player will likely have stats, and we'll be able to use those players in virtual hockey games against others for supremacy.
We don't have a specific release date for NHL Superstars, although the game is set to take to the ice sometime in October. We'll make sure to give you a complete look at the game when we know more.
Are you excited to see NHL Superstars come to Facebook? Which players will you look for to create your perfect team? Sound off in the comments.
To go along with the Animal Mastery feature released in Pioneer Trail this weekend, you can now also complete one of three new collections in the game. Two of these collections go with the new animals that have also been released: the Badger and Moose, while the third goes with the 4F Mastery Club itself.
4F Collection
* Rewards Spring Water and 80 XP
Badger Collection
* Rewards Free Critter Milk and 120 XP
Moose Collection
* Free Carrot Juice and 100 XP
As you might expect, you can earn each of these collections' items by tending to the appropriate animals (that is, you'll earn Badger Collection items for tending Badgers, and Moose Collection items for tending Moose), or by collecting the 4F Mastery Club's daily bonus. You'll also have a chance to earn these specific collectibles during the construction of the Mastery Club itself, although I wouldn't expect to receive the full set unless you're really lucky. By the way, if you're that lucky, would you mind letting some of that luck rub off on me?
Are you a fan of the collections in Pioneer Trail and actively try to complete them, or do you just let yourself complete these Collections casually? Let us know in the comments.
electronic arts,
facebook game,
facebook games,
hockey facebook game,
nhl 12,
nhl superstars,
Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 9, 2011
TGS 2011: Kingdom Hearts 3D hands-on preview
Have a care for the poor Kingdom Hearts fan. All they want is a true third entry in the series and all they get is a series of spin-offs and half-sequels on portable systems. That seems again to be the case with 3DS title Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, which takes place after KHII and stars Sora and Riku teaming up on a quest from wise mage Yen Sid to prepare for battle with returning Hearts baddie Xehahort. The demo build at TGS 2011 had one level each for the two leads of the game, and while the stages were brief, this felt more like a fuller KH experience than some side game.
Above: Sadly, Square-Enix has been very stingy with new screens, so you'll have to make due with older stuff like this trailer We started with Sora in a stage that seemed early in the game as he awakes in Traverse Town in some new clothes thanks to Yen Sid’s magic. Just as he’s wondering how he returned to the famous hub city and was shouting for his missing pal Riku, the most surprising moment of the demo happens as Neku from the DS RPG World Ends With You appears. It’s a pretty funny meeting, as Neku’s dour, fatalistic ennui can’t defeat Sora’s helpful nature. As Neku talks of “The Game,” meaning the life or death challenge he faced in WEWY, Sora immediately offers to help him and tries to start a friendship with the emo headphones wearer, though Neku tells him he’s odd for wanting to help total strangers. Neku then disappeared as fast as he showed up, leaving Sora to explore Traverse on his own.
Well not totally alone, as Sora is accompanied by two animal companions that are nearly as helpful, though not half as fun to be around as Donald and Goofy. One was a bouncy dog-like creature, the other a large panda-esque animal, and throughout the stage we found enemy versions of those guys, which tells us that there must be some system for making enemies team members, though our Square-Enix US representatives had few details on just how that system would work. Though your cute friends didn’t seem as deep as some of your previous partners, once you tapped their icon on the touchscreen they unleashed powerful co-op attacks with Sora, as Sora rode the dog as it bounced off the ground, hitting enemies in waves with each drop, while the panda swung Sora by his legs in a spin attack before launching him head first at enemies.

As we hopped around Traverse Town we ran into new KH baddies the Dream Eaters, beating the crap out of them for the green orbs KH fans hunger for. The combat used A to attack, B to jump, and X for magic, while the Y button unleashed flashier attacks dependent on where the character is in the stage. We saw Sora do a mid-air combo, bounce of walls to hit multiple enemies, and even swing around a light post when we used this command. Additionally, most areas had a special box that when you pressed X and A at the same time nearby, Sora jumped inside, initiating the Sling Shot attack as you directed where in the immediate area you wanted to fling Sora using the touchscreen.
After a short exploration of the world, we quickly ran into Sora’s lead enemy of the demo, a giant wolf creature. We had an involved battle on the glass roof of one of Traverse Town’s bigger buildings, as we put our team attacks to good use against the big bad. After crashing through the roof and with one last helpful toss from our panda pal, the villain was no more. In a flash of light that portion of the demo was over and it was time to explore with Riku.
Above: Japanese magazine Famitsu got to record their time with the Sora half of the demo Things start off a bit worse for Riku, as the white-haired youngster arrives in the troubled world based on Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame film from the mid-90s. The normally populated area in front of the famous structure is in disarray, with several buildings on fire, and a distraught Quasimodo holding a barely conscious Esmerelda (think they’ll get Demi Moore to reprise that role for the US localization?). They were just attacked by a giant, flying, demonic creature, one Riku intends to stop. The Hunchback world is hopefully the first of many new Disney-themed areas to be introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D, though we’re a little surprised they chose one of the darker and less popular films of Disney’s 90s releases.
As Riku explored the famous cathedral to face the boss at the top, we noticed that his combat was a little more visceral than Sora’s, with his special Y attacks a tad fiercer. Riku’s two sidekicks were a bat monster and something akin to a deer, and their team-up moves were less playful, as both just seemed to enhance Riku’s Keyblade attacks instead of him working directly with the creatures. Also, Riku’s X+A attack on the touchscreen, Holy Rope, was more serious, as you drew a line between different points as Riku unleashed an attack when flying between them.
Once we began our boss battle at the top of the cathedral, we thought we’d had trouble as the enemy mostly just flew in the air and sent projectiles our way, though we soon found out Riku could fly with ease, so we engaged the baddie in a floaty airborne battle. It was fun, though at times we were wishing we had the new Slide Pad for the 3DS which is compatible with KH3D, as continually resituating the camera with the shoulder buttons to chase after the enemy wasn’t all that awesome.

Just as with the other half of the demo, once Riku’s boss was dispatched the gameplay slice was complete and we were left wanting more. Though the game has yet to be officially made official for a US release, we would be VERY surprised if we didn’t see it sometime next year after its Spring 2012 Japanese release. Though we aren’t sure just how long it will be,
Well not totally alone, as Sora is accompanied by two animal companions that are nearly as helpful, though not half as fun to be around as Donald and Goofy. One was a bouncy dog-like creature, the other a large panda-esque animal, and throughout the stage we found enemy versions of those guys, which tells us that there must be some system for making enemies team members, though our Square-Enix US representatives had few details on just how that system would work. Though your cute friends didn’t seem as deep as some of your previous partners, once you tapped their icon on the touchscreen they unleashed powerful co-op attacks with Sora, as Sora rode the dog as it bounced off the ground, hitting enemies in waves with each drop, while the panda swung Sora by his legs in a spin attack before launching him head first at enemies.
As we hopped around Traverse Town we ran into new KH baddies the Dream Eaters, beating the crap out of them for the green orbs KH fans hunger for. The combat used A to attack, B to jump, and X for magic, while the Y button unleashed flashier attacks dependent on where the character is in the stage. We saw Sora do a mid-air combo, bounce of walls to hit multiple enemies, and even swing around a light post when we used this command. Additionally, most areas had a special box that when you pressed X and A at the same time nearby, Sora jumped inside, initiating the Sling Shot attack as you directed where in the immediate area you wanted to fling Sora using the touchscreen.
After a short exploration of the world, we quickly ran into Sora’s lead enemy of the demo, a giant wolf creature. We had an involved battle on the glass roof of one of Traverse Town’s bigger buildings, as we put our team attacks to good use against the big bad. After crashing through the roof and with one last helpful toss from our panda pal, the villain was no more. In a flash of light that portion of the demo was over and it was time to explore with Riku.
Above: Japanese magazine Famitsu got to record their time with the Sora half of the demo Things start off a bit worse for Riku, as the white-haired youngster arrives in the troubled world based on Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame film from the mid-90s. The normally populated area in front of the famous structure is in disarray, with several buildings on fire, and a distraught Quasimodo holding a barely conscious Esmerelda (think they’ll get Demi Moore to reprise that role for the US localization?). They were just attacked by a giant, flying, demonic creature, one Riku intends to stop. The Hunchback world is hopefully the first of many new Disney-themed areas to be introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D, though we’re a little surprised they chose one of the darker and less popular films of Disney’s 90s releases.
As Riku explored the famous cathedral to face the boss at the top, we noticed that his combat was a little more visceral than Sora’s, with his special Y attacks a tad fiercer. Riku’s two sidekicks were a bat monster and something akin to a deer, and their team-up moves were less playful, as both just seemed to enhance Riku’s Keyblade attacks instead of him working directly with the creatures. Also, Riku’s X+A attack on the touchscreen, Holy Rope, was more serious, as you drew a line between different points as Riku unleashed an attack when flying between them.
Once we began our boss battle at the top of the cathedral, we thought we’d had trouble as the enemy mostly just flew in the air and sent projectiles our way, though we soon found out Riku could fly with ease, so we engaged the baddie in a floaty airborne battle. It was fun, though at times we were wishing we had the new Slide Pad for the 3DS which is compatible with KH3D, as continually resituating the camera with the shoulder buttons to chase after the enemy wasn’t all that awesome.
Just as with the other half of the demo, once Riku’s boss was dispatched the gameplay slice was complete and we were left wanting more. Though the game has yet to be officially made official for a US release, we would be VERY surprised if we didn’t see it sometime next year after its Spring 2012 Japanese release. Though we aren’t sure just how long it will be,
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TGS 2011: Lumines Electronic Symphony hands-on preview
With PS Vitas in short supply at this year's TGS, we were pleased to be able to sit down in a quiet spot off the show floor and play the TGS demo of Lumines: Electronic Symphony. From our brief time with the game, it looks like Electronic Symphony is poised to be the puzzle game for Vita as the original Lumines was for PSP.

Creating a follow-up to such a simple, well-designed, well-balanced block puzzle is tough. Besides updating the visuals and sound, what do you do? Well, Electronic Symphony obviously has upped the ante on the overall presentation, but it adds a few elements to the gameplay without disrupting the core mechanics or the flow of the game.
A quick primer on Lumines: it's a falling block puzzle where squares of four blocks fall one at a time from the top of the screen, and you must match same-colored squares of four or more (there are only two colors of blocks on any given level). Blocks clear each time the sweeper line passes over them, and you get more points the more blocks you can clear in a single sweep. It's from Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi though, so you know it's more than just a falling block puzzle – there's a music and rhythm element too. The sweeper line, called the timeline, moves to the tempo of the music in each level (so it moves slower during a slow song), and of course the visuals also pulsate and change in rhythm with the music too, the intensity of which escalates as your score climbs higher and higher.

So what's new in Electronic Symphony? For starters, it adds two new special blocks, called the chain block and the shuffle block. The chain block clears all blocks of the same color that it touches and any other blocks that are adjacent to those blocks within the same cluster. So if you have a long snaking line of blocks that touch but don't form any squares, it will clear them all. The shuffle block does exactly what it sounds like it does – it randomly shuffles all the blocks within a cluster (clusters are any group of blocks that all touch each other on the field). This might sound bad, but in a pinch it can actually be a lifesaver. If your screen is almost full and you're in danger of a game over, a shuffle can potentially create a bunch of matches and clear more room on the screen.
Avatars also play a bigger role this time too, and the avatar you choose determines what kind of special power-up you get. As you play, a meter fills that allows you to use an avatar power by tapping the icon in the lower left corner – in the demo, using the avatar power gave us a random special block. You can fill up the meter faster by tapping your fingers against the Vita's back touch pad, which totally works, but feels a bit silly and seems like an unnecessary use of the hardware's features. At the very least, you can ignore it if you'd like.

From the brief demo alone, it's clear that Electronic Symphony takes full advantage of the new hardware, and the newly 3D visuals look absolutely amazing on the Vita screen. As our score grew and the visuals got more and more intense, it was impossible not to slow down and admire how gorgeous it looks in motion. Like Mizuguchi's other works, it really plays with different visual aspects creatively, like opacities and textures, dynamic lighting, and particle effects (we're told there's a skin with a popcorn popping theme, which sounds like a satisfying visual). And with over 50 skins confirmed for the game, there's a lot more to look forward to. Expect tons of great music too, with licensed tracks "Hey Boy Hey Girl" by The Chemical Brothers and "4 AM" by Kaskade.
Lumines: Electronic Symphony is planned as a launch title for North America and Europe, so look for more info in the coming months.
Creating a follow-up to such a simple, well-designed, well-balanced block puzzle is tough. Besides updating the visuals and sound, what do you do? Well, Electronic Symphony obviously has upped the ante on the overall presentation, but it adds a few elements to the gameplay without disrupting the core mechanics or the flow of the game.
A quick primer on Lumines: it's a falling block puzzle where squares of four blocks fall one at a time from the top of the screen, and you must match same-colored squares of four or more (there are only two colors of blocks on any given level). Blocks clear each time the sweeper line passes over them, and you get more points the more blocks you can clear in a single sweep. It's from Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi though, so you know it's more than just a falling block puzzle – there's a music and rhythm element too. The sweeper line, called the timeline, moves to the tempo of the music in each level (so it moves slower during a slow song), and of course the visuals also pulsate and change in rhythm with the music too, the intensity of which escalates as your score climbs higher and higher.
So what's new in Electronic Symphony? For starters, it adds two new special blocks, called the chain block and the shuffle block. The chain block clears all blocks of the same color that it touches and any other blocks that are adjacent to those blocks within the same cluster. So if you have a long snaking line of blocks that touch but don't form any squares, it will clear them all. The shuffle block does exactly what it sounds like it does – it randomly shuffles all the blocks within a cluster (clusters are any group of blocks that all touch each other on the field). This might sound bad, but in a pinch it can actually be a lifesaver. If your screen is almost full and you're in danger of a game over, a shuffle can potentially create a bunch of matches and clear more room on the screen.
Avatars also play a bigger role this time too, and the avatar you choose determines what kind of special power-up you get. As you play, a meter fills that allows you to use an avatar power by tapping the icon in the lower left corner – in the demo, using the avatar power gave us a random special block. You can fill up the meter faster by tapping your fingers against the Vita's back touch pad, which totally works, but feels a bit silly and seems like an unnecessary use of the hardware's features. At the very least, you can ignore it if you'd like.
From the brief demo alone, it's clear that Electronic Symphony takes full advantage of the new hardware, and the newly 3D visuals look absolutely amazing on the Vita screen. As our score grew and the visuals got more and more intense, it was impossible not to slow down and admire how gorgeous it looks in motion. Like Mizuguchi's other works, it really plays with different visual aspects creatively, like opacities and textures, dynamic lighting, and particle effects (we're told there's a skin with a popcorn popping theme, which sounds like a satisfying visual). And with over 50 skins confirmed for the game, there's a lot more to look forward to. Expect tons of great music too, with licensed tracks "Hey Boy Hey Girl" by The Chemical Brothers and "4 AM" by Kaskade.
Lumines: Electronic Symphony is planned as a launch title for North America and Europe, so look for more info in the coming months.
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TGS 2011: Army Corps of Hell (PS Vita) first hands-on preview
On the show floor of Tokyo Game Show, space is at a premium, with crowds all over the place, and based on the gigantic lines for most titles, it seems the PS Vita is most popular with attendees. That’s no surprise as this is its public debut in Japan, but it makes getting your hands on a Vita title incredibly difficult. Fortunately, one of the first titles we finally got a shot at was Square-Enix’s just revealed Army Corps of Hell. With over-the-top violence and a heavy metal aesthetic, you might not think it would remind you of Nintendo classic Pikmin, but the similarly light RTS gameplay style quickly made this one of our early favorites planned for the Vita launch.
We began the game as the skeletal lord of demons entered the Underworld with his tribe of 99 smaller minions surrounding him. As our first enemy appeared, a monster that mostly consisted of a giant, purple-lidded eye, we approached him on the circular platform with our brigade of testy demons and began tossing our angry army at the giant. As our team equipped with swords got on top of the beast and stabbed it to death, it eventually exploded into a shower of blood, leaving only its eyeball, which the titular Army Corps of Hell quickly consumed.
Soon enough we learned that our squad was made of three factions: the previously mentioned swordsmen, a group that used spears, and a team of magic users. Each made up a third of your forces and you switched on the fly between them depending on what the situation called for. A couple baddies were more susceptible to spears than swords, and there were a few times we needed to strategically pull back and use the magical ranged attacks of our squad. It struck a nice balance as we took out hellspawn after hellspawn with our team.
Still, we have to admit that the small amount we played was a tad linear, as each encounter followed thusly: find a few enemies on a circular platform, kill them all, wait for a bridge of bones to appear, then cross to the next platform. There was a health-restoring minigame that used the back touchpad to liven things up, but unfortunately it wasn’t really working in our demo build. But even if it started to grind a little, our spirits were kept up by the hilariously silly heavy metal soundtrack in the background and just how excitedly violent the title was. Though the game hasn’t been announced for an English language release, the style and design just screams Western announcement, so hopefully it’ll be ready in time for the early 2012 US/UK launch.
As we reached the boss of stage, the strategy got a little deeper as we ran around the platform avoiding his powerful stomp attacks then circling back around to fling our swordsmen at his knees to bring him down. By the way, Army Corps gameplay demands makes the direct camera control a necessity, giving us renewed appreciation for the Vita’s right thumb stick. Once we brought the boss to the ground, our spearmen were all over his face and eventually ripped off his head, which sailed across the stage in a bloody arc. As our satisfied team fed on the spoils of battle (aka the severed head), we were also satisfied with the pretty fun time we had with Army Corps of Hell. As long as Pikmin 3 is stuck in development hell, we may as well have fun in the meantime with this hellish tribute on the Vita.
Soon enough we learned that our squad was made of three factions: the previously mentioned swordsmen, a group that used spears, and a team of magic users. Each made up a third of your forces and you switched on the fly between them depending on what the situation called for. A couple baddies were more susceptible to spears than swords, and there were a few times we needed to strategically pull back and use the magical ranged attacks of our squad. It struck a nice balance as we took out hellspawn after hellspawn with our team.
Still, we have to admit that the small amount we played was a tad linear, as each encounter followed thusly: find a few enemies on a circular platform, kill them all, wait for a bridge of bones to appear, then cross to the next platform. There was a health-restoring minigame that used the back touchpad to liven things up, but unfortunately it wasn’t really working in our demo build. But even if it started to grind a little, our spirits were kept up by the hilariously silly heavy metal soundtrack in the background and just how excitedly violent the title was. Though the game hasn’t been announced for an English language release, the style and design just screams Western announcement, so hopefully it’ll be ready in time for the early 2012 US/UK launch.
As we reached the boss of stage, the strategy got a little deeper as we ran around the platform avoiding his powerful stomp attacks then circling back around to fling our swordsmen at his knees to bring him down. By the way, Army Corps gameplay demands makes the direct camera control a necessity, giving us renewed appreciation for the Vita’s right thumb stick. Once we brought the boss to the ground, our spearmen were all over his face and eventually ripped off his head, which sailed across the stage in a bloody arc. As our satisfied team fed on the spoils of battle (aka the severed head), we were also satisfied with the pretty fun time we had with Army Corps of Hell. As long as Pikmin 3 is stuck in development hell, we may as well have fun in the meantime with this hellish tribute on the Vita.
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GR’s weekend giveaway: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition download codes
Welcome to GamesRadar’s weekend giveaway! This week, we’d like to bring you the gift of game with a chance to win an XBLA or PSN download code for Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition. Entering is easy. Trust us. Just read a few more words and you'll see what we mean.
To enter, just leave a comment on this article by 9:00 am (Pacific Time) on Monday, Sep 19. In your comment, make sure to tell us if you’d prefer an XBLA or PSN code if you win. You can read our official contest rules here. US and Canada residents only please. Our apologies to readers from other countries.

Winners will be selected at random and can expect a PM from one of our administrators early next week. Don’t forget to check your inbox to see if you’ve won!
To enter, just leave a comment on this article by 9:00 am (Pacific Time) on Monday, Sep 19. In your comment, make sure to tell us if you’d prefer an XBLA or PSN code if you win. You can read our official contest rules here. US and Canada residents only please. Our apologies to readers from other countries.
Winners will be selected at random and can expect a PM from one of our administrators early next week. Don’t forget to check your inbox to see if you’ve won!
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iPad reviews of the week: VidRhythm, Radballs, DrawRace 2, Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!
We're checking out the latest offerings from a couple recognizable names in the world of console gaming this week: VidRhythm, the wacky video creation from Rock Band developer Harmonix, as well as DrawRace 2 HD, a touchscreen-oriented racer from Trials HD creator RedLynx. Elsewhere, we're tackling an alluring music-addled puzzle game called Radballs, as well as checking out the second in the series of Serious Sam-inspired indie games, Kamikaze Attack! Most of these are universal apps – aside from DrawRace 2, which has separate iPad and iPhone apps – so one download will let you play on any compatible iOS device. Check 'em out!
Game: VidRhythm
Price: $1.99/£1.49
Size: 12.8MB
Buy it now from the iTunes store: US / UK

VidRhythm is not a game, which makes it a curious anomaly in the history of this weekly feature, as well as the long and impressive background of creator Harmonix – you know, the studio that spawned Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Dance Central, and Karaoke Revolution. Harmonix has an amazing knack for creating innovative and exciting music-related products, and VidRhythm continues that theme on the much smaller scale of a two-dollar universal iPad and iPhone app. Is the developer's first commercial non-game as notable as those aforementioned experiences? Not in the slightest. But for all that the studio has served up over the years, we'll happily check out their other ventures if it'll keep 'em rocking out for years to come.
Depending on how you choose to wield VidRhythm’s abilities, it's either a force for amusement or annoyance. The app grabs quick video clips of whatever's in view – your face, a pet, etc. – along with a brief voice clip as detailed, whether it's a drum-like sound or a hummed note. You'll choose one of 20 featured songs, including sped-up classical tunes and original compositions from within Harmonix, as well as a visual theme, with options inspired by past studio releases and other general themes like cats and colorful icons. Then simply press a button and watch the app transform your various choices into one goofy video that can be uploaded and shared online.
If you'd like to see some nightmarish examples of what happens when you mix the feline theme with human facial reactions, don't hesitate to search for "VidRhythm" on YouTube. It's hard not to admire the app’s ability to immediately translate bite-sized recordings into something lightly amusing you'll want inflict upon friends and family. Before iPhones (and later iPads) were so widely owned, it was easier to be wowed by the things these touchscreen wonders could do. VidRhythm is a welcome throwback to that time, so don't overthink its long-term worth; just drop a couple bucks and get weird with us already.
Game: Radballs
Price: $2.99/£1.99
Size: 165MB
Buy it now from the iTunes store: US / UK

"Radballs" is an awesome term, and Radballs also happens to be a neat iOS puzzle game. The game is all about matching like-colored balls and clearing them from the screen, but this superbly presented app takes its cues from a variety of sources, especially Bejeweled and Lumines. The latter favorite comes to mind due to the inclusion of a moving line (set to the beat of the music) that clears bunched-up balls – but it's also a notable influence on how damn slick the audio and visuals are in this iPad and iPhone offering.
This hodgepodge of familiar elements from top genre entries may not feel quite as polished, balanced, or addictive as its influences, it's definitely intriguing. Colored balls drop onto the playing field, where you shift balls around (one at a time) to pair up four or more like colors into squares or rectangles. Such blocks are cleared when the moving line passes through, which earns you points to fill your Radness meter and clear the stage, but Radballs adds in a fresh mechanic where you can grab the line and scratch it like a record to earn extra points. With power-ups that detonate or electrically clear large chunks of balls, you'll encounter several ways to earn enough Radness to clear each stage.

Born from '80s-inspired design flash, Radballs looks like a million bucks thanks to its eight distinct skins which toss up uniquely styled and colored balls, as well as themed iconography like palm trees and shutter shades. The soundtrack includes some fabulously thumping remixes of recent OK Go singles and other original electronic tracks from Neil Voss, who composed the Tetrisphere and The New Tetris OSTs way back when. Better yet, you can use your own DRM-free music to propel the puzzle action, which adds a new twist to the on-screen antics. Radballs may be like a Frankenstein's monster of existing puzzle ideas, but we can't help but be hooked by the excellent aesthetics.
Game: VidRhythm
Price: $1.99/£1.49
Size: 12.8MB
Buy it now from the iTunes store: US / UK
VidRhythm is not a game, which makes it a curious anomaly in the history of this weekly feature, as well as the long and impressive background of creator Harmonix – you know, the studio that spawned Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Dance Central, and Karaoke Revolution. Harmonix has an amazing knack for creating innovative and exciting music-related products, and VidRhythm continues that theme on the much smaller scale of a two-dollar universal iPad and iPhone app. Is the developer's first commercial non-game as notable as those aforementioned experiences? Not in the slightest. But for all that the studio has served up over the years, we'll happily check out their other ventures if it'll keep 'em rocking out for years to come.
Depending on how you choose to wield VidRhythm’s abilities, it's either a force for amusement or annoyance. The app grabs quick video clips of whatever's in view – your face, a pet, etc. – along with a brief voice clip as detailed, whether it's a drum-like sound or a hummed note. You'll choose one of 20 featured songs, including sped-up classical tunes and original compositions from within Harmonix, as well as a visual theme, with options inspired by past studio releases and other general themes like cats and colorful icons. Then simply press a button and watch the app transform your various choices into one goofy video that can be uploaded and shared online.
If you'd like to see some nightmarish examples of what happens when you mix the feline theme with human facial reactions, don't hesitate to search for "VidRhythm" on YouTube. It's hard not to admire the app’s ability to immediately translate bite-sized recordings into something lightly amusing you'll want inflict upon friends and family. Before iPhones (and later iPads) were so widely owned, it was easier to be wowed by the things these touchscreen wonders could do. VidRhythm is a welcome throwback to that time, so don't overthink its long-term worth; just drop a couple bucks and get weird with us already.
Game: Radballs
Price: $2.99/£1.99
Size: 165MB
Buy it now from the iTunes store: US / UK
"Radballs" is an awesome term, and Radballs also happens to be a neat iOS puzzle game. The game is all about matching like-colored balls and clearing them from the screen, but this superbly presented app takes its cues from a variety of sources, especially Bejeweled and Lumines. The latter favorite comes to mind due to the inclusion of a moving line (set to the beat of the music) that clears bunched-up balls – but it's also a notable influence on how damn slick the audio and visuals are in this iPad and iPhone offering.
This hodgepodge of familiar elements from top genre entries may not feel quite as polished, balanced, or addictive as its influences, it's definitely intriguing. Colored balls drop onto the playing field, where you shift balls around (one at a time) to pair up four or more like colors into squares or rectangles. Such blocks are cleared when the moving line passes through, which earns you points to fill your Radness meter and clear the stage, but Radballs adds in a fresh mechanic where you can grab the line and scratch it like a record to earn extra points. With power-ups that detonate or electrically clear large chunks of balls, you'll encounter several ways to earn enough Radness to clear each stage.
Born from '80s-inspired design flash, Radballs looks like a million bucks thanks to its eight distinct skins which toss up uniquely styled and colored balls, as well as themed iconography like palm trees and shutter shades. The soundtrack includes some fabulously thumping remixes of recent OK Go singles and other original electronic tracks from Neil Voss, who composed the Tetrisphere and The New Tetris OSTs way back when. Better yet, you can use your own DRM-free music to propel the puzzle action, which adds a new twist to the on-screen antics. Radballs may be like a Frankenstein's monster of existing puzzle ideas, but we can't help but be hooked by the excellent aesthetics.
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Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 9, 2011
nnounced last year at Tokyo Game Show before Kinect hit stores, the idea of a new Steel Battalion game for a controller-free hardware d-on seemed almost comical. The original Steel Battalion is remembered by hardcore collectors for being packed in with one of the most complicated console controllers of all time. Now the series is back with Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor as Capcom gives development responsibilities to From Software, and in the place of two control sticks, three pedals, and 40 buttons, you’re left with motion controls to fill the gap. Could that possibly work? After seeing it in action, we think it just might. During our hands-off, developer controlled demo, we quickly understood that Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor’s greatest strength is its use of Kinect and the standard controller in unison. The fact that a controller is involved came as a relief to us, since a mech combat game like this one demands precision that waving your arms about can’t really do on its own. For the core mechanic of pointing you weapons at stuff and blowing it to smithereens, it’s all on the controller, but there’s a myriad of things happening around that central experience that can only be done with Kinect. Taking place in a future where a virus caused technology to basically be set back to the 1920s, humanity has had to to quickly get back in the swing of things now that computers are gone. In that turmoil America was invaded by a country that sounds like some sort of Communist conglomeration, and in 2082 America is slowly taking back their states, one bloody, mech-filled battle at a time. In this war you pilot a VT or Vertical Tank, the walking war machines central to the conflict. From inside the VT a team of soldiers run the contraption, with you manning the main controls. In the background your support team is reloading the canons, checking diagnostics, and talking plainly yet poetically about the nature of war. From standard view inside the cockpit, which is seen when sitting and having the controller in a resting position on your lap, you can turn around and check on your squad mates with a quick sweep of your hand in the direction of the corner of the tank you want to check. As we were introduced to the motion controls they came off as a mix of useful and gimmicky. Pratical tricks included turning a knob to switch your main weapon, pulling down your camera array to view the battlefield from different angles, and standing up to exit the top of the tank to get an unobstructed view of the battlefield. The more gimmicky uses included shaking a squad member’s hand, putting your hands up to your eyes to use binoculars while standing, and in one of the funnier moments of the demo, punching a hysterical teammate. As the battle gets too intense for one member of the support team, he tries to run out of the tank and, after pulling him back in with a quick overhead grab with your right hand, you then punch him in the face multiple times to get him to calm down, which works for some reason. That brief exchange of therapeutic punches highlights that was peppered with obscenities highlights another important thing about the game: it seems heavily aimed at the western, mature market. The battles are incredibly bloody, with VT machinegun fire hitting human infantry and exploding them into bloody messes on impact. Additionally, the soldiers have swear-heavy conversations about how effed up a particular battle is, and how they don’t need this shit. The overall look also seems more Western, with character designs and settings taking a much more American flavor. Though the start of the demo was frontloaded with Kinect-based actions, the deeper we got in, the more the controller took center stage. With a quick push forward of both hands and the controller, the pilot enters the standard action view, as the VT slowly walked forward, blasting enemies both human and mech to bits. While standard munitions just bounce off the exterior, heavy blasts from opposing VTs cast about the cockpit and its inhabitants violently. After taking down a particularly heavily armored VT and some guard towers, the day was won and the soldiers had taken back Manhattan. After the brief demo we were impressed with how the controller and Kinect were able to work together for a richer-looking experience that could be something special when its 2012 release rolls around. Though we don’t think all the Kinect uses we saw were wholly necessary, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor could be the first Kinect game that successfully caters to hardcore players instead of dancing grandmas and excitable children. However, with all the different ways you use Kinect controls in the cockpit, we bet this will have one hell of a tutorial.
The Final Fantasy series as whole has one of the best music catalogs in all of gaming, so the idea to make a rhythm game featuring all the classics from the franchise's history is about as solid as it gets. With awesome rhythm games on the DS like Elite Beat Agents and Rhythm Heaven already setting a strong standard, our expectations were high as we picked up Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy for the very first time. After playing through all the tracks available on the TGS demo, it looks like the Final Fantasy rhythm game is right on track.

First, let's talk about the basic mechanics. Like many rhythm games, Theatrhythm features several kinds of notes that you must hit in time to the music in a specific way. Basic notes require a simple tap, arrow notes require a quick flick in the indicated direction, and hold notes require you to hold the stylus to the screen for the indicated duration. Accuracy is graded on each note, with "critical" appropriately being the highest grade possible. Similar to DDR, your character has a life bar and you HP goes up and down depending on how many notes you hit/miss, failing you out of the song if it hits zero.
From the start, it's clear that Theatrhythm isn't just a generic rhythm game with a Final Fantasy skin. First, there are three types of levels that correspond with the three major sections of an FF game – battles, exploration, and cutscenes. Battles are quite similar in format to DDR, where notes move in a straight line across the screen. The set-up looks like an FF battle, with a monster on the left and four party members on the right. As the notes scroll across the top screen, you can tap anywhere on the bottom screen to hit them. Once we got a good streak going on our first battle (the battle theme for the original FF), we automatically triggered a summon, which felt a lot like activating star power in rock band.

Field exploration levels switch things up a bit. Whereas the hold notes in battles are all just a straight line where you don't have to move the stylus at all, the field sections we played had lots of hold notes with wavy lines where we had to move our stylus on the bottom screen to keep it lined up with each note's twisting path. And whereas the battle and exploration levels are side-scrolling, the cutscenes present a fixed screen where the scene plays in the background and the notes circle around in place.
While the highly stylized, over-the-top chibi-size adorableness of the art won't appeal to everyone, we absolutely love it. It fits well for this type of game too – it's a spinoff, not a serious Final Fantasy game, and as such it shouldn't look like one (and if the sprites look familiar, it's because they're from the Japan-only Kingdom Hearts Mobile game). Plus, there's just something fun about seeing characters we've known and loved for so long in a completely different light than we're used to.

The music too, is obviously fantastic. The final game will have over 50 tracks, with three songs each for each game in the numbered series, from the first Final Fantasy through FFXIII (our favorite track from the demo was probably Tina's theme from FFVI, but it's tough to choose).
We're eagerly anticipating an official announcement that Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy will be localized outside of Japan, so look for more news as soon as that happens.
First, let's talk about the basic mechanics. Like many rhythm games, Theatrhythm features several kinds of notes that you must hit in time to the music in a specific way. Basic notes require a simple tap, arrow notes require a quick flick in the indicated direction, and hold notes require you to hold the stylus to the screen for the indicated duration. Accuracy is graded on each note, with "critical" appropriately being the highest grade possible. Similar to DDR, your character has a life bar and you HP goes up and down depending on how many notes you hit/miss, failing you out of the song if it hits zero.
From the start, it's clear that Theatrhythm isn't just a generic rhythm game with a Final Fantasy skin. First, there are three types of levels that correspond with the three major sections of an FF game – battles, exploration, and cutscenes. Battles are quite similar in format to DDR, where notes move in a straight line across the screen. The set-up looks like an FF battle, with a monster on the left and four party members on the right. As the notes scroll across the top screen, you can tap anywhere on the bottom screen to hit them. Once we got a good streak going on our first battle (the battle theme for the original FF), we automatically triggered a summon, which felt a lot like activating star power in rock band.
Field exploration levels switch things up a bit. Whereas the hold notes in battles are all just a straight line where you don't have to move the stylus at all, the field sections we played had lots of hold notes with wavy lines where we had to move our stylus on the bottom screen to keep it lined up with each note's twisting path. And whereas the battle and exploration levels are side-scrolling, the cutscenes present a fixed screen where the scene plays in the background and the notes circle around in place.
While the highly stylized, over-the-top chibi-size adorableness of the art won't appeal to everyone, we absolutely love it. It fits well for this type of game too – it's a spinoff, not a serious Final Fantasy game, and as such it shouldn't look like one (and if the sprites look familiar, it's because they're from the Japan-only Kingdom Hearts Mobile game). Plus, there's just something fun about seeing characters we've known and loved for so long in a completely different light than we're used to.
The music too, is obviously fantastic. The final game will have over 50 tracks, with three songs each for each game in the numbered series, from the first Final Fantasy through FFXIII (our favorite track from the demo was probably Tina's theme from FFVI, but it's tough to choose).
We're eagerly anticipating an official announcement that Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy will be localized outside of Japan, so look for more news as soon as that happens.
TGS 2011: Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (Kinect) preview
Announced last year at Tokyo Game Show before Kinect hit stores, the idea of a new Steel Battalion game for a controller-free hardware d-on seemed almost comical. The original Steel Battalion is remembered by hardcore collectors for being packed in with one of the most complicated console controllers of all time. Now the series is back with Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor as Capcom gives development responsibilities to From Software, and in the place of two control sticks, three pedals, and 40 buttons, you’re left with motion controls to fill the gap. Could that possibly work? After seeing it in action, we think it just might.
During our hands-off, developer controlled demo, we quickly understood that Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor’s greatest strength is its use of Kinect and the standard controller in unison. The fact that a controller is involved came as a relief to us, since a mech combat game like this one demands precision that waving your arms about can’t really do on its own. For the core mechanic of pointing you weapons at stuff and blowing it to smithereens, it’s all on the controller, but there’s a myriad of things happening around that central experience that can only be done with Kinect.
Taking place in a future where a virus caused technology to basically be set back to the 1920s, humanity has had to to quickly get back in the swing of things now that computers are gone. In that turmoil America was invaded by a country that sounds like some sort of Communist conglomeration, and in 2082 America is slowly taking back their states, one bloody, mech-filled battle at a time. In this war you pilot a VT or Vertical Tank, the walking war machines central to the conflict.

From inside the VT a team of soldiers run the contraption, with you manning the main controls. In the background your support team is reloading the canons, checking diagnostics, and talking plainly yet poetically about the nature of war. From standard view inside the cockpit, which is seen when sitting and having the controller in a resting position on your lap, you can turn around and check on your squad mates with a quick sweep of your hand in the direction of the corner of the tank you want to check.
As we were introduced to the motion controls they came off as a mix of useful and gimmicky. Pratical tricks included turning a knob to switch your main weapon, pulling down your camera array to view the battlefield from different angles, and standing up to exit the top of the tank to get an unobstructed view of the battlefield. The more gimmicky uses included shaking a squad member’s hand, putting your hands up to your eyes to use binoculars while standing, and in one of the funnier moments of the demo, punching a hysterical teammate. As the battle gets too intense for one member of the support team, he tries to run out of the tank and, after pulling him back in with a quick overhead grab with your right hand, you then punch him in the face multiple times to get him to calm down, which works for some reason.

That brief exchange of therapeutic punches highlights that was peppered with obscenities highlights another important thing about the game: it seems heavily aimed at the western, mature market. The battles are incredibly bloody, with VT machinegun fire hitting human infantry and exploding them into bloody messes on impact. Additionally, the soldiers have swear-heavy conversations about how effed up a particular battle is, and how they don’t need this shit. The overall look also seems more Western, with character designs and settings taking a much more American flavor.
Though the start of the demo was frontloaded with Kinect-based actions, the deeper we got in, the more the controller took center stage. With a quick push forward of both hands and the controller, the pilot enters the standard action view, as the VT slowly walked forward, blasting enemies both human and mech to bits. While standard munitions just bounce off the exterior, heavy blasts from opposing VTs cast about the cockpit and its inhabitants violently. After taking down a particularly heavily armored VT and some guard towers, the day was won and the soldiers had taken back Manhattan.

After the brief demo we were impressed with how the controller and Kinect were able to work together for a richer-looking experience that could be something special when its 2012 release rolls around. Though we don’t think all the Kinect uses we saw were wholly necessary, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor could be the first Kinect game that successfully caters to hardcore players instead of dancing grandmas and excitable children. However, with all the different ways you use Kinect controls in the cockpit, we bet this will have one hell of a tutorial.
During our hands-off, developer controlled demo, we quickly understood that Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor’s greatest strength is its use of Kinect and the standard controller in unison. The fact that a controller is involved came as a relief to us, since a mech combat game like this one demands precision that waving your arms about can’t really do on its own. For the core mechanic of pointing you weapons at stuff and blowing it to smithereens, it’s all on the controller, but there’s a myriad of things happening around that central experience that can only be done with Kinect.
Taking place in a future where a virus caused technology to basically be set back to the 1920s, humanity has had to to quickly get back in the swing of things now that computers are gone. In that turmoil America was invaded by a country that sounds like some sort of Communist conglomeration, and in 2082 America is slowly taking back their states, one bloody, mech-filled battle at a time. In this war you pilot a VT or Vertical Tank, the walking war machines central to the conflict.
From inside the VT a team of soldiers run the contraption, with you manning the main controls. In the background your support team is reloading the canons, checking diagnostics, and talking plainly yet poetically about the nature of war. From standard view inside the cockpit, which is seen when sitting and having the controller in a resting position on your lap, you can turn around and check on your squad mates with a quick sweep of your hand in the direction of the corner of the tank you want to check.
As we were introduced to the motion controls they came off as a mix of useful and gimmicky. Pratical tricks included turning a knob to switch your main weapon, pulling down your camera array to view the battlefield from different angles, and standing up to exit the top of the tank to get an unobstructed view of the battlefield. The more gimmicky uses included shaking a squad member’s hand, putting your hands up to your eyes to use binoculars while standing, and in one of the funnier moments of the demo, punching a hysterical teammate. As the battle gets too intense for one member of the support team, he tries to run out of the tank and, after pulling him back in with a quick overhead grab with your right hand, you then punch him in the face multiple times to get him to calm down, which works for some reason.
That brief exchange of therapeutic punches highlights that was peppered with obscenities highlights another important thing about the game: it seems heavily aimed at the western, mature market. The battles are incredibly bloody, with VT machinegun fire hitting human infantry and exploding them into bloody messes on impact. Additionally, the soldiers have swear-heavy conversations about how effed up a particular battle is, and how they don’t need this shit. The overall look also seems more Western, with character designs and settings taking a much more American flavor.
Though the start of the demo was frontloaded with Kinect-based actions, the deeper we got in, the more the controller took center stage. With a quick push forward of both hands and the controller, the pilot enters the standard action view, as the VT slowly walked forward, blasting enemies both human and mech to bits. While standard munitions just bounce off the exterior, heavy blasts from opposing VTs cast about the cockpit and its inhabitants violently. After taking down a particularly heavily armored VT and some guard towers, the day was won and the soldiers had taken back Manhattan.
After the brief demo we were impressed with how the controller and Kinect were able to work together for a richer-looking experience that could be something special when its 2012 release rolls around. Though we don’t think all the Kinect uses we saw were wholly necessary, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor could be the first Kinect game that successfully caters to hardcore players instead of dancing grandmas and excitable children. However, with all the different ways you use Kinect controls in the cockpit, we bet this will have one hell of a tutorial.
Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 9, 2011
Angry Birds for PC
Finally, those birds that everybody likes has arrived on PC. After iPhone, iPad, Android and other mobile versions, also iPhone cases and toys, Angry Birds has finally arrived on the PC thanks to the Intel App Up store. It’ll work fine and dandy on laptops and netbooks and will cost you only $4.99 to download. Nice price for this lovely game.
Angry Birds is a global phenomenon in mobile gaming and the top grossing iPhone app of 2010. So if you’re not a smart-phone wielding hipster, you no longer have an excuse not to be part of this franchise.
Overall it’s pretty much an identical game play experience to the iPhone app, with some minor differences. It’s snappy, gorgeous, and it sounds amazing. On the netbook version you use a mouse or trackpad instead of touch. There is an open hand icon when the mouse is in hover state, and a closed hand icon when you are clicking or dragging. This visible clue when pulling the slingshot is a nice aid. It allows you to fine tune shots more than just observing the angle of the slingshot band.

Larger screen means more visibility in the game. On many levels you can see the target that can’t be seen on the iPhone. The previous shot trail is more easily seen, allowing fine tuning of your next shot. Overall the animations and physics seem to have more fluidity.
In terms of features, options, menu etc it’s pretty close to the original. On the netbook the replay level icon has been added to the game space. So you don’t need to pause first then replay. If you start off with bad shot, just click the replay icon, then you can start over. Saving a click is nice. There is a Menu button in the Pause menu that gets you back to the Start screen. There are some things not in play on the netbook version. The leader board and achievements are not available in the main menu. The Golden Eggs are there.
Angry Birds strikes an interesting balance of repetitive, simple tasks and challenging game play working for the many scenarios. So, if you liked this game on your iPhone or Android phone, you’ll sure like it on your big PC screen. If you are new player, don’t hesitate and join the fun now.
You must know and recognize the game from the Rovio, Angry Birds.
This game consists of seven birds with super abilities are different. By using slingshots, you can control the jump and the height of ill-tempered birds to tear down the building where the collection of green pork fat is shelter.
Where is a funny collection of birds swelled, turned into a grumpy group of birds which destroy the kingdom of lustful pigs these cunning thieves.
Angry Birds now not only for the iPhone, Android OS, PS3 and PSP. even Angry Birds has been available in Ovi Store for Nokia. And now Angry Birds have been available for Windows XP and Windows 7
Free Angry Birds for PC
As a side note because I didn’t want to do an entire post about the subject, have you all seen the Angry Birds bra? It’s available over on etsy you should go check it out. I personally don’t know anyone who would wear it but i’m sure there is someone out there who would. I don’t recommend buying this for you girlfriend or wife unless she really loves angry birds.
Angry Birds is a global phenomenon in mobile gaming and the top grossing iPhone app of 2010. So if you’re not a smart-phone wielding hipster, you no longer have an excuse not to be part of this franchise.
Overall it’s pretty much an identical game play experience to the iPhone app, with some minor differences. It’s snappy, gorgeous, and it sounds amazing. On the netbook version you use a mouse or trackpad instead of touch. There is an open hand icon when the mouse is in hover state, and a closed hand icon when you are clicking or dragging. This visible clue when pulling the slingshot is a nice aid. It allows you to fine tune shots more than just observing the angle of the slingshot band.
In terms of features, options, menu etc it’s pretty close to the original. On the netbook the replay level icon has been added to the game space. So you don’t need to pause first then replay. If you start off with bad shot, just click the replay icon, then you can start over. Saving a click is nice. There is a Menu button in the Pause menu that gets you back to the Start screen. There are some things not in play on the netbook version. The leader board and achievements are not available in the main menu. The Golden Eggs are there.
Angry Birds strikes an interesting balance of repetitive, simple tasks and challenging game play working for the many scenarios. So, if you liked this game on your iPhone or Android phone, you’ll sure like it on your big PC screen. If you are new player, don’t hesitate and join the fun now.
You must know and recognize the game from the Rovio, Angry Birds.
This game consists of seven birds with super abilities are different. By using slingshots, you can control the jump and the height of ill-tempered birds to tear down the building where the collection of green pork fat is shelter.
Where is a funny collection of birds swelled, turned into a grumpy group of birds which destroy the kingdom of lustful pigs these cunning thieves.
Angry Birds now not only for the iPhone, Android OS, PS3 and PSP. even Angry Birds has been available in Ovi Store for Nokia. And now Angry Birds have been available for Windows XP and Windows 7
Free Angry Birds for PC
Plenty of dodgy website owners want to rip off Google and push traffic towards their sites on the bogus promise of the free version of Angry Birds for PC. This is only a scam but in fact there exists a download free Angry Birds for PC nevertheless, you will need to move quickly to take advantage of that offer
Finland games producer Rovio Mobile has produced their very 1st version of Angry Birds Game for the Apple iPhone. This particular game was immediately caught by the iPhonesters, and Rovio understood that they will become successful. That has been fine. However, Rovio needed to get going by recoding Angry Birds Games for several programs, which become easier for small companies to get done.
Several weeks went by and finally, the Nokia and Android users could get themselves the Angry Birds Game. After that, the Rovio
Mobile switched their attentions to the huge users of the PSP or the Play Station Portable and the PS3. That has been an additional huge porting project for Rovio operations.
During that time, the PC users have been reading and hearing rumors regarding Angry Birds for PC. Ultimately, in January, Angry Birds for PC was released, and downloading is not for free. However, not everybody is willing to pay for $5 for just a game, even if they will enjoy playing with it. These days, several users have grown to be familiar of getting some thing for free, so there are many who are on the lookout for a totally free Angry Birds for PC download. It can be downloaded via Windows 7 and Windows XP and Vista, or Mac support. But downloading can only be downloaded if you have an internet connection for the process to activate successfully.
Angry Birds Game is one of the well-known games that have taken the popularity with over 200 million downloads. The availability of this game is taking place in almost all of the popular platforms. In addition to playing the game online in the browser you can now download it on your laptop and take it wherever you may go to enjoy the amazing games, enabling you to play whenever, wherever you go. Take it to your workplace or even in the park, while resting and basting under the sun. Probably launching the Angry Birds for PC the wisest and the best move the game maker ever made. This availability made for the millions of platform owners, even made the popularity of Angry Birds known to more video-gaming enthusiasts more than over.
Finland games producer Rovio Mobile has produced their very 1st version of Angry Birds Game for the Apple iPhone. This particular game was immediately caught by the iPhonesters, and Rovio understood that they will become successful. That has been fine. However, Rovio needed to get going by recoding Angry Birds Games for several programs, which become easier for small companies to get done.
Several weeks went by and finally, the Nokia and Android users could get themselves the Angry Birds Game. After that, the Rovio
During that time, the PC users have been reading and hearing rumors regarding Angry Birds for PC. Ultimately, in January, Angry Birds for PC was released, and downloading is not for free. However, not everybody is willing to pay for $5 for just a game, even if they will enjoy playing with it. These days, several users have grown to be familiar of getting some thing for free, so there are many who are on the lookout for a totally free Angry Birds for PC download. It can be downloaded via Windows 7 and Windows XP and Vista, or Mac support. But downloading can only be downloaded if you have an internet connection for the process to activate successfully.
Angry Birds Game is one of the well-known games that have taken the popularity with over 200 million downloads. The availability of this game is taking place in almost all of the popular platforms. In addition to playing the game online in the browser you can now download it on your laptop and take it wherever you may go to enjoy the amazing games, enabling you to play whenever, wherever you go. Take it to your workplace or even in the park, while resting and basting under the sun. Probably launching the Angry Birds for PC the wisest and the best move the game maker ever made. This availability made for the millions of platform owners, even made the popularity of Angry Birds known to more video-gaming enthusiasts more than over.
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- Angry Birds PC Updated
The PC version was updated last week which we talked about in this post. This update will finally include all episodes of Ham ‘Em High and the two chapters of Mine and Dine. I’m sure this is welcome news for all the PC players who have been feeling left out. It shouldn’t have taken this long to get all the episodes out but that’s in the past now so lets just get to playing. Since all the chapters are available you also have access to all of the golden eggs. You can finally complete your collection!As a side note because I didn’t want to do an entire post about the subject, have you all seen the Angry Birds bra? It’s available over on etsy you should go check it out. I personally don’t know anyone who would wear it but i’m sure there is someone out there who would. I don’t recommend buying this for you girlfriend or wife unless she really loves angry birds.
Angry Birds Game Online
In this present technology, almost everyone have Apple iPhone plus they most likely hear about Angry Birds Game, for that reason,
it’s not so shocking that the Angry Birds game is regarded as probably the most popular application that’s readily available for all of the SmartPhone system including iOS and Androids.
Angry Birds Online is produced by Rovio Mobiles which is a puzzle game in which the gamers can launch the wingless birds while using Physics-based demolition ways of destroying every obstacle that comes in between the Angry Birds flight of taking back what was taken from them, their eggs. They have to fight for them, the eggs are their last chance of continuing their line of species. Choosing the only weapon and the best there is for them to use, the sling shot using their own self as ammunition for striking the green pigs and also the structures that shelters the evil Green Pigs.
The structures from every level are created from materials such as rocks, ice, bricks and woods. The goal of the Angry Birds Game Online would be to get rid of the pigs and the structures, using direct hit and inflect as much damage as you can to the structure with just a single blow or with the allotted number of birds in each level. Saving as much firepower as you can, they will be adding to your score at 10,000 points a piece Establishing of a high scoring game will help you get through the level with an award of three stars.
Look for all the possibilities of destructive inputs that could be of value to you when playing Angry Birds Game online. There will be tips provided for you for the effective outcome of your game. This way you well defeat the game faster.The game features stimulating physics-based action and numerous hours of fun if you seem like feeling a bit under the weather focusing on your trajectory abilities give yourself a chance to relax, just load up and begin popping pigs. Each one of the 195 levels requires logic, skills and precision to resolve.
In every level of the game, the special objects like explosive crates are going to be found that you could take advantage to eliminate the structures and also the pigs. The very first event of Angry Birds Game Online will be the Poached Eggs in which the birds began their mission to chase the evil Green Pigs which have stolen their valuable eggs. Help the Angry Birds fight for their survival, play now!
Angry Birds Online is produced by Rovio Mobiles which is a puzzle game in which the gamers can launch the wingless birds while using Physics-based demolition ways of destroying every obstacle that comes in between the Angry Birds flight of taking back what was taken from them, their eggs. They have to fight for them, the eggs are their last chance of continuing their line of species. Choosing the only weapon and the best there is for them to use, the sling shot using their own self as ammunition for striking the green pigs and also the structures that shelters the evil Green Pigs.
The structures from every level are created from materials such as rocks, ice, bricks and woods. The goal of the Angry Birds Game Online would be to get rid of the pigs and the structures, using direct hit and inflect as much damage as you can to the structure with just a single blow or with the allotted number of birds in each level. Saving as much firepower as you can, they will be adding to your score at 10,000 points a piece Establishing of a high scoring game will help you get through the level with an award of three stars.
In every level of the game, the special objects like explosive crates are going to be found that you could take advantage to eliminate the structures and also the pigs. The very first event of Angry Birds Game Online will be the Poached Eggs in which the birds began their mission to chase the evil Green Pigs which have stolen their valuable eggs. Help the Angry Birds fight for their survival, play now!
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Angry Birds Game Free on the Web
Great news for those who have boring desk jobs with spare time on their hands. Angry Birds game is not available to play free on the web thanks to a partnership with Google and Rovio. The game that has taken the mobile world by storm, with over 200 million downloads and is available in almost every mobile platform is now venturing onto the world wide web. Soon Angry Birds game will be playable from any device that has internet capabilities.
Keep in touch with us here at Angry Birds Game, the #1 Angry Birds fan site, we’ll keep you up to speed with all the latest info and Angry Birds Game for those tough levels.
On May 11 at Google’s conference Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio’s head honcho, accounced that Angry Birds game will be available in Chrome’s Web Store for free download and play. At first it sounded as though only Chrome users will be able to play the game, but to many fans benefit it is actually playable in any browser. All you have to do is go to and you’ll be on your way to the delightful world of pig popping. Although, we should comment that the web based game was specially made for Chrome and you can expect some imperfections with other browsers. For example, IE ran well, but FireFox and Opera ran it a bit laggy. Also the new Chrome levels will only be available through the Chrome browser. Another great feature of running it through Chrome is the ability to install the app in the browser through the Chrome Web Store giving it the ability to play Angry Birds game fully offline.
Angry Birds game on the web can be played with HD quality or Standard Definition that way more sluggish computers can enjoy smooth game play. All in all we are very impressed with the performance and feel of the game. Rovio’s CEO stated that he was very pleased with the way Google does business and the fact that they only asked for five percent of generated revenue, a fair and generous offer. So now you can play Angry Birds game anywhere, just make it look like you are browsing through files or something.Keep in touch with us here at Angry Birds Game, the #1 Angry Birds fan site, we’ll keep you up to speed with all the latest info and Angry Birds Game for those tough levels.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game Released for Windows Phone 7
It’s about time, Angry Birds Games has finally been released for the Windows Phone 7. You can download and purchase it from the Windows Phone Marketplace for $2.99. Which is relatively high priced compared to the fact that Angry Birds game is free for the Android and only $.99 in the Apple App Store.
For those who haven’t already been hypnotized by the eighth wonder of the world, mobile world that is, here is the scoop. The Angry Birds game has you slingshot angry birds of different colors with different special abilities at structures providing cover for the green pigs who have stolen the birds eggs, hence why they are so angry.
Back in April at Microsoft’s Mix 11 conference they mentioned that the Angry Birds game will be released for Windows Phone 7 and gave a date of May 25th. Well that day came and went with no word of Angry Birds game. So what caused the delay? Speculation suggests that the delay was due to a controversy that Microsoft had with Rovio by using the Angry Birds logo without permission back in 2010 in an advertisement for the Windows Phone 7. This was way before the Angry Birds game was even planned for Windows Phone. But anyway, good news, it seems they have mended their disagreement and luckily for Microsoft and Windows Phone 7 users the game is finally available. With over 200 million downloads now, Angry Birds game is sure to help boost Windows Phone sales.
Stay tuned here at Angry Birds Game to get your fill of the latest and greatest about your favorite game Angry Birds and its creator Rovio. We are constantly updating our Angry Birds walkthrough section to help you get three stars on all levels. And check out our FanWear page for some fun Angry Birds merchandise. Được đăng bởi Huyen Trinh Thu vào lúc 23:36 0 nhận
For those who haven’t already been hypnotized by the eighth wonder of the world, mobile world that is, here is the scoop. The Angry Birds game has you slingshot angry birds of different colors with different special abilities at structures providing cover for the green pigs who have stolen the birds eggs, hence why they are so angry.
Back in April at Microsoft’s Mix 11 conference they mentioned that the Angry Birds game will be released for Windows Phone 7 and gave a date of May 25th. Well that day came and went with no word of Angry Birds game. So what caused the delay? Speculation suggests that the delay was due to a controversy that Microsoft had with Rovio by using the Angry Birds logo without permission back in 2010 in an advertisement for the Windows Phone 7. This was way before the Angry Birds game was even planned for Windows Phone. But anyway, good news, it seems they have mended their disagreement and luckily for Microsoft and Windows Phone 7 users the game is finally available. With over 200 million downloads now, Angry Birds game is sure to help boost Windows Phone sales.
Stay tuned here at Angry Birds Game to get your fill of the latest and greatest about your favorite game Angry Birds and its creator Rovio. We are constantly updating our Angry Birds walkthrough section to help you get three stars on all levels. And check out our FanWear page for some fun Angry Birds merchandise. Được đăng bởi Huyen Trinh Thu vào lúc 23:36 0 nhận
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game for Chrome Already Hacked
On May 11th, 2011 Rovio’s CEO, Peter Vesterbacka, announced that Angry Birds game was released to the web to play for free. Another big step for both Rovio and Google. Although Angry Birds game was already available for almost all mobile platforms it is now available on practically any device that has internet capabilities.
Now on to the main reason for this post. Just hours after the release of Angry Birds Chrome the game has already been hacked. A Web developer from Toronoto who specializes in HTML5 and Javascript figured out how to unlock all levels including the new exclusive Chrome levels. He was able to take advantage of the unencrypted local storage that the game uses to save your progress. He then posted his cheat on his website for all to see.
All you have to do is load the game in your browser and then copy paste the following line of code in your browsers address bar and press enter or click Go and all levels will be unlocked: javascript: var i = 0; while (i<=69) { localStorage.setItem(‘level_star_’+i,’3′); i++; } window.location.reload();
If you want to reverse the cheat and lock all the levels again, just place the following code: javascript: var i = 1; while (i<=69) { localStorage.setItem(‘level_star_’+i,’-1′); i++; } window.location.reload();
So for those who don’t want to replay all the mobile levels and just get to the Chrome levels or if you’re just lazy this cheat code hack will definately come in handy.
For a little programming insight, here is why this hack works. When Rovio announced the Angry Birds game for Chrome at the Google Conference they mentioned that they are using HTML5 LocalStorage. LocalStorage is unencrypted and unprotected locally. Looking at the code through Chrome’s Web Inspector you can see that your score and stars are saved using LocalStorage. And so lucky for us, that allows us to use setitem() function to set all levels to three and thus unlock them all. What is this world coming to when a little game like Angry Birds game is not even safe from hacking!?
Now on to the main reason for this post. Just hours after the release of Angry Birds Chrome the game has already been hacked. A Web developer from Toronoto who specializes in HTML5 and Javascript figured out how to unlock all levels including the new exclusive Chrome levels. He was able to take advantage of the unencrypted local storage that the game uses to save your progress. He then posted his cheat on his website for all to see.
All you have to do is load the game in your browser and then copy paste the following line of code in your browsers address bar and press enter or click Go and all levels will be unlocked: javascript: var i = 0; while (i<=69) { localStorage.setItem(‘level_star_’+i,’3′); i++; } window.location.reload();
If you want to reverse the cheat and lock all the levels again, just place the following code: javascript: var i = 1; while (i<=69) { localStorage.setItem(‘level_star_’+i,’-1′); i++; } window.location.reload();
So for those who don’t want to replay all the mobile levels and just get to the Chrome levels or if you’re just lazy this cheat code hack will definately come in handy.
For a little programming insight, here is why this hack works. When Rovio announced the Angry Birds game for Chrome at the Google Conference they mentioned that they are using HTML5 LocalStorage. LocalStorage is unencrypted and unprotected locally. Looking at the code through Chrome’s Web Inspector you can see that your score and stars are saved using LocalStorage. And so lucky for us, that allows us to use setitem() function to set all levels to three and thus unlock them all. What is this world coming to when a little game like Angry Birds game is not even safe from hacking!?
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game Now Available for the BalckBerry
Angry Birds Game Now Available for the BalckBerry
Research in Motion announced today at the BlackBerry World that their new tablet, the PlayBook, will be blessed with the Angry Birds Game. We are not sure yet when this will happen but we suspect that some where around two months is a good prediction. We also do not know if the PlayBook version will receive any unique stages or special extras. Looking at the fact that the versions released for the Android, PC, and Windows did not really recieve any exclusive extras, unfortunately the BlackBerry Playbook version will most likely not either.
BlackBerry is trailing behind Microsoft as Microsoft announced it’s upcoming release of Angry Birds game to the Windows Phone 7 back in February. By this time typically a games spark would be diminishing, espcially if the game is relatively the same from one episode to the next, but Angry Birds game popularity just keeps rising at an incredible constant rate. One would think that a game like this will eventually lose its thunder, but we could be wrong, could this game be the next tetris. Rovio has surely come a long way from its original games like the game US Marine Corps Scout Sniper for the Razor phones back in 2006. We could only hope that Rovio can pull another gem out of their hat, though with this much success they might not need to.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game Flying To Windows Phone 7 And 3D
It is official the Angry Birds game will soon be released to Windows Phone 7, and if that wasn’t enough, Rovio’s Peter Vesterbaka says that a 3D version of the game is also in the works! Yes you heard, or read, right, a 3D version of Angry Birds!
The Angry Birds game coming out for Windows Phone 7 was of course obviously expected, but a 3D version…Rovio is certainly pulling out all the stops and not wasting anytime doing it. As one might imagine the 3D version will more than likely be released for the Nintendo 3DS as well as it will probably eventually be released for the new 3D smartphones in production such as the LG Optimus 3D.
The transformation of the Angry Birds game to a 3D version should not be too big of a deal for Rovio as they have produced 3D games in the past. But it sure is exciting to think how the game will turn out. Maybe there will be like a first person point of view (Angry Bird Point of View) where you’re looking through the birds eyes as he flies through 3D sky blue space and comes crashing down on the greedy green pigs, or also maybe even a “Piggy Point of View” as he watches inevitability come for him, ooooo. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Rovio has yet to announce a release date for neither Windows Phone 7 nor a 3D version, but I am sure it will be sooner than later, Rovio never seems to disappoint. With their hard work, dedication, and fan appreciation, Rovio has sure shown themselves to be a force to be recon with. It’s good to see a deserving company do well, and we can hope that this will be a wake up to other companies in the industry as well as a sign for things to come; quality not quantity, though Rovio seems to have been able to supply both.
Remember to check back with us, Angry Birds Game online, for the latest and greatest news and updates about Angry Birds and their developer Rovio.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game About To Surpass 100 Million Downloads
The #1 mobile app Angry Birds game is continuing to broaden its lead over the competition! Angry Birds game is at the verge of surpassing 100 million downloads, as announced by Rovio at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco. The Angry Birds game has only been out for less than a year and yet it’s stomping on the competition. Rovio, Angry Birds game developer, announced at the conference that it will be surpassing the 100 million download mark in the very near future. Peter Vesterbaka, Rovio’s executive, spoke at the conference and graciously thanked the iPhone for making their success possible. Peter Vesterbaka went on about how Apple allowed for this change in the business and that the iPhone took developers away from the old soviet style of games and giving them so many more fun and exciting avenues for the development. He also mentioned that it’s forcing more and more developers to create good quality games, which has been the legacy of the App Store. He then continued about positive future of the mobile gaming industry boosting that new consoles are making games based on mobile games where up until recently it was always the other way around. And also mentioning that companies that are just porting console games over to mobile doesn’t always work.
With the success of the Angry Birds game through the iPhone it has since been ported over to other platforms such as Android, PC, and iPad, and soon to be available for Windows 7 phones as well as various video game consoles and hand helds.
The fact that Angry Birds game is about to surpass 100 million downloads in less than a year is quite an amazing feat. Of course it’s success is mostly due to its brilliant gameplay, fun theme, and replay value; it’s not to say that Rovio has not put in hard work for its success. Since its original release in December of 2009, Rovio has released several new versions for their fans through the Angry Birds game Seasons package, including Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day (Hogs and Kisses), and soon to be released St. Patrick’s Day theme, and probably an Easter theme! Also, can’t fail to mention the special Angry Birds game Rio version, which is planned to hit the stores sometime this month (March 2011).
With Rovio continuing to work hard and release new content for their Angry Birds game online and as the population of smartphone users grow it’s not hard to imagine that Angry Birds game can reach the 200 million download mark!
Stay tuned with us, Angry Birds Game online, for the latest Angry Birds walkthrough.
Stay tuned with us, Angry Birds Game online, for the latest Angry Birds walkthrough.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game Golden Eggs Walkthrough
Here you go all, Angry Birds game golden eggs walkthrough!
1 – The egg is in the White Bird instruction screen. You can access it by pausing the game and going to the help menu.
2 – Mighty Hoax level 5-19: the egg is located all the way to the right side of the level and you can only see it if you shoot a bird as far as you can to the right. The best way to get the egg is by shooting a Yellow bird and activating it at the right time in order to reach the egg.
3 – Poached Eggs level 2-2: destroy the beach ball and you’ll get the egg.
4 – Get three stars in all levels of Poached Eggs.
5 – From the main screen press the “I” button; you’ll have to watch the credits to the end and you’ll see the egg under the White Bird.
6 - Poached Eggs level 1-8: tap the treasure chest; you might have to tap it a few times for it to come out. If you are playing on a Mac or PC you’ll have to left click the treasure chest and then type “open”.
7 – Get three stars in all levels of Mighty Hoax.
8 – In the episode selection screen double tap the sun.
9 – Mighty Hoax level 4-7: The egg is on top of the cliff all the way to the right, use the Yellow Bird to reach it.
10 – Danger Above level 6-14: bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Green Bird to boomerang back and explode the yellow balloon under the tree house.
11 – In the level selection screen of Danger Above, scroll all the way to the right and you’ll get the egg.
12 – Get three stars in all levels of Danger Above.
13 – Danger Above level 8-15: the egg is underneath the slingshot. You can get it by either bouncing a Yellow Bird off the trampoline or just use a Green Bird to boomerang back and get the egg.
14 – The Big Setup level 9-14: the egg is at the bottom right wearing a hard hat; use the Green Bird to get it.
15 – The Big Setup level 10-3: break the yellow ducky underneath the bridge.
16 – The Big Setup level 11-15: the egg is to the left below the slingshot, use the Green Bird to get it.
17 – Get three stars in all the levels of The Big Setup.
18 – Ham ‘Em High level 12-12: this one is tough, you’ll have to break the trophy at the bottom middle of the stage.
19 – Ham ‘Em High level 13-10: the egg is hanging at the top right of the stage, sling a White Bird in that direction and tap the screen at the right time to send him flying up to hit the egg.
Super Bowl/Rio Egg – Ham ‘Em High level 13-12: sling a White Bird backwards and drop the egg on the backside of the hill.
Keep in touch here at Angry Birds Game online for the latest angry birds walkthrough!
- Angry Birds Game Available In Intel AppUp Center and Mac App Stor
Hurray for all netbook and laptop owners. Rovio has announced the release of the Angry Birds game to the Intel AppUp center!
The Angry Birds game will cost $9.99 to download from the Intel AppUp center. If you want to get the Angry Birds game you can go to and download the Intel AppUp center. You Angry Birds game fans better act fast because Rovio is offering a special promotional offer for a limited time…half off the Angry Birds game!Rovio has included 195 levels with the initial download, and promises to offer new additional features and levels via updates to the Angry Birds game. The game will also include additional speacial features that are not found in the original mobile version of the game. The Intel AppUp center is a program that will allow users to look through catalogues of games and various applications that they can choose to purchase, download and install to their PCs. First you will need to download the AppUp center client and install it to your PC, then you can browse the market. If you want to purchase a game then you will have to create an account in order to make the purchase. The Intel AppUp center accepts most major credit cards. Another great feature of the Intel AppUp center is that it offers a 24 hour refund period for all purchases.
Now if that news wasn’t exciting enough, you can now also get the Angry Birds game for your Mac computers from the new Mac App Store!
The Angry Birds game will cost $9.99, and if you act fast you can take advantage of the limited time offer of half off! To get the Mac App Store just go into System Preferences and install the latest Software Update and then you can open the App Store. Just as the release for the Intel AppUp center this version of Angry Birds game will initially include 195 levels of greedy green pig popping fun, allowing for hours and hours of fun. There will also be new free special features that are not in the original mobile version along with free updates with additional levels and features when available.
Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement of these new Angry Birds game. You can have it with you every where you go. From your Mac Book at home to your cell phone on the road and to your PC at work…hehe! Get those eggs back!
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Angry Birds Rio
What is Angry Birds Game All About
The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Dish out revenge on the greedy green pigs who stole the Angry Birds’ eggs. Use the distinctive powers of each bird to wipeout the green pigs castles. Angry Birds game online features stimulating physics-based gameplay and countless hours of fun whenever you feel like winding down and working on your trajectory skills just load it up and start popping pigs. Each of the 195 levels requires skill, logic, and force to solve.Keep in mind these aren’t your typical birds. They are each specialized fighters equipped with unique techniques to help in the struggle of conquering the pigs and getting their poor eggs back, they are not holding anything back. First you will meet the Red angry birds. This bird is like the clans mercenary they pack an average punch and can destroy many of the pigs fortress pieces. Next you will meet the Yellow angry birds. These guys are my favorite and can travel at high speeds when activated plowing through most any obstacle as well as multiple obstacles. Next, you meet the small Blue angry birds. Now these guys on their own won’t do much but once activated a the single bird turns into three angry birds able to hit multiple targets and cover more ground. Next, you will get acquainted with the White angry birds. These are the bombers of the clan and drop egg bombs which do massive damage. The next bird you will meet is the Black angry birds. Now these guys are awesome. They are basically suicide bombers and explode upon contact and does the most damage of the game. Finally, you will then meet the final warrior which is the Green angry birds. They have a long beak like toucan. This beak allows them to boomerang backwards and they also pack quite a punch. The Angry Birds game is a very addicting game and one can easily spend hours playing it without even realizing it. One of the intriguing parts of the game that entices you to keep playing is the star ranking for each level. Depending how well you passed the level you can get either one two or three stars. Usually the best way to get three stars is to use the least amount of Angry Birds possible to pass the level. You can also acquire more points if needed by destroying as many of the pigs castle pieces as you can. As well as destroying certain special pieces that some levels have. There are also treasure chests to keep an eye out for and grab. Now there are special golden eggs to keep a look out for and whenever you see one do your best to get it, but pay close attention because they are very well hidden throughout the stages. One of the main goals of the game is to collect all the golden eggs.
If you are having trouble passing all the levels or maybe you are trying to achieve three stars on every level but just can’t seem to figure some levels out. Then you can search the web for guides and walkthroughs to help you out. Here at Angry Birds Game online we plan to update the site with full guides and walkthroughs. We also plan to provide walkthroughs to help you angry birds with finding all the golden eggs and of course tips on grabbing them.
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Angry Birds Rio
The Release of Angry Birds Game to Android
The much awaited release of the Angry Birds game for the Android was finally unveiled, and largely under estimated by Rovio itself. It has effectively brought the website to a screeching halt due to the enormous demand and download rate of Android users. Even the independent app store, GetJar, which was given exclusive rights to distribute the game, has had some serious slow down and lag issues due to the games popularity and huge fan base. So much so that GetJar has actually recommended users to visit their mobile website from their phones so that can achieve better download rates and alleviate some of the bandwidth from their main site.
Some may ask what is the big deal over the Angry Birds game being released for the Android. Well, for one it is the most popular and successful paid app from the iPhone market and sold more than seven million copies according to VentureBeat, but mainly the commotion is due because the game is being offered for free in its new ad-supported version. The app is not yet offered as a paid version for those who rather pay and not have the ads, but it is in the works and should be offered and available for download from the Android Market soon.
Rovio’s Peter in an interview about the Angry Birds game said that it was being used more than sixty five million minutes per day with just the iPhone paid app and that now with the release of the Android version he predicts that it will rise to be used over one hundred minutes per day.
When Angry Birds game was released for Android GetJar was given exclusive rights to distribute the game for the first twenty four hours before being released to the Android Market. This is a huge deal to help GetJar, a large crossplatform online app store, get a huge boost to help their online awareness. They have been trying to change that through these types of affiliation and now that have gotten a huge break.
Rovio has shown the strength of the Android population with its release of the Angry Birds game online. Android users are definitely growing in numbers and will most certainly surpass those of the iPhone. When Android was first unveiled I was so happy that there was now a competitor to the iPhone, and what better company to be behind all this than Google. Google is out reaching their never ending amount of tentacles and getting into more and more markets every year. Google is definitely a smart and ambitious company and every product they put out is well made and open source, readily available for developers and even made easy for users who want to venture into the development world. As for the Android the only problem so far seems to be the lack of programing rules and restrictions for making apps because many of the apps on the market are poorly programmed and make the Android powered phones encounter problems; though I’m sure that soon those sub-par programs will be weeded out by good developers making quality bug free applications.
Anyway, back to the Angry Birds game, keep a lookout for new platform releases for all of your computing and entertainment devices. Also, stay tuned here at for the latest information and updates about Angry Birds updates, maybe we’ll get new birds soon, and Rovio latest information.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Game Rules
- Using a slingshot, players launch the birds to hit the pigs directly and damage the structures, which would cause them to collapse and kill the pigs. On each level, the pigs are sheltered by structures made of various materials such as wood, ice and stone, making it harder for you to destroy them.
- If you destroy all the green pigs in the level and still have some birds left then they will get you extra points going towards your final level score. If you get a low score, such as using all your birds and not destroy many platforms you will get only one star, but still move on.
- As the player advances through the game, additional types of birds become available. These birds have special abilities that are activated by the player after the bird has been launched.
- Part of the angry birds game rules is that points are scored for each pig defeated as well as for damage to, or destruction of, structures, and bonus points are awarded for any unused birds.
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- angry birds rules
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- Instructions for angry bird game
- angry bird game level rules
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Angry Birds Rio
Walkthrough Angry Birds Game
Complete Angry Birds Walkthrough guide. Videos of each level including Angry Birds: Seasons and Golden Eggs locations.
Angry Birds: Golden Eggs Walkthrough (All 20!)
Let’s cut to the chase here… I know you’re looking for the goods, and we’ve got ‘em. So, without further adieu, here’s the complete Angry Birds – Golden Eggs walkthrough: Golden …
Angry Birds Seasons: Go Green, Get Lucky Walkthrough
Angry Birds St. Patricks Day Seasons: Go Green, Get Lucky – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today …
Angry Birds “Seasons Greedings” Walkthrough
Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) that the levels shown in the videos may …
Angry Birds Seasons: Hogs and Kisses – Complete Walkthrough Guide
Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) that the levels shown in the videos may …
Angry Birds: “Ham ‘Em High” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: Ham ‘Em High – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, …
Angry Birds: “The Big Setup” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: The Big Setup – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, …
Angry Birds: Danger Above
Angry Birds: Danger Above – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
Angry Birds: “Mighty Hoax” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: Mighty Hoax – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
Angry Birds Walkthrough – Golden Eggs, 3 Stars and Victory!
Angry Birds: Poached Eggs – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
Angry Birds: Golden Eggs Walkthrough (All 20!)
Let’s cut to the chase here… I know you’re looking for the goods, and we’ve got ‘em. So, without further adieu, here’s the complete Angry Birds – Golden Eggs walkthrough: Golden …
Angry Birds Seasons: Go Green, Get Lucky Walkthrough
Angry Birds St. Patricks Day Seasons: Go Green, Get Lucky – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today …
Angry Birds “Seasons Greedings” Walkthrough
Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) that the levels shown in the videos may …
Angry Birds Seasons: Hogs and Kisses – Complete Walkthrough Guide
Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) that the levels shown in the videos may …
Angry Birds: “Ham ‘Em High” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: Ham ‘Em High – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, …
Angry Birds: “The Big Setup” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: The Big Setup – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, …
Angry Birds: Danger Above
Angry Birds: Danger Above – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
Angry Birds: “Mighty Hoax” Walkthrough
Angry Birds: Mighty Hoax – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
Angry Birds Walkthrough – Golden Eggs, 3 Stars and Victory!
Angry Birds: Poached Eggs – Complete Walkthrough Guide Keep in mind, with all the different versions of the Angry Birds game out there today (iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, Palm, etc) …
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Rio Golden Pineapples Complete Walkthrough
In the game Angry Birds Rio that was release by Rovio Mobile, there are several awards. One of those rewards is to collect 15 golden pineapples in the Smugglers Den. Here are all of the locations I have found so far.
Level 1-2 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Behind the birds, zoom out and shoot backwards
Level 1-6 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the big crate on the far right
Level 1-7 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the crate on the bottom right
Level 1-8 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Zoom out to find the golden pineapple in the package on the right
Level 1-12 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
With the other pineapples in the top right
Level 1-13 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the crate on the bottom right
Level 2-1 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Shoot backwards into the lamp
Level 2-2 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Use the first few birds to clear out blocks, then shoot the last bird at a high angle to get it from above
Level 2-4 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Use one of the yellow birds and use it’s speed boost to get the crate
Level 2-6 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Shoot at the first hanging light and get it to swing back into the pineapple
Level 2-7 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Clear out as many blocks with the first two birds, then use the last bird to smash the crate
Level 2-8 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Clear a path, then smash the crate
Level 2-10 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Zoom out and use a yellow bird to hit it. You can shoot high and just hit the chains it’s hanging from
Level 2-12 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
On the far right. Knock a triangular glass block over the edge to get it.
Level 2-15 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Behind the launch pad, launch yellow birds backwards and tap to get a small arc
Good luck! If you find any more before I do, please post them in the comments.
- Angry Birds Rio
The Angry Birds Rio Info – Probably the most well-known iPhone applications this season is the puzzle mobile game known as Angry Birds produced by Rovio Mobile located in Finland. It stayed on the list of the most popular and the most played video game statistics of numbers of downloaded copies gathered by Apps Market, since it was initially launched in December 2009 for Apple’s iOS. It stayed in that position for quite sometime now!
Angry Birds game recorded a 12 million of copies downloaded in just 10 days of launching! The company that developed this game began to create the version that can be applicable to the SmartPhones especially for the individuals that utilize an Android system. It made more millions in downloads and also millions of dollars in profits for Rovio with these new apps upgrades.
Angry Birds game has landed its way to realization with the only inspiration of the Engineers was the sketch of the strange yet stylish, never seen before looking wingless birds. After the enormous success of the Angry Birds in SmartPhones, The version adopted having a tougher and much more fun level relevant with other platforms like PSP, PC and a lot more.
When Rovio ventured into movie making, with the partnership with 20th Century Fox they came up with the summer animated adventure movie titled Angry Birds Rio. It’s a story about a Macaw, (a bird specie) who haven’t found the courage to fly. Who went to Rio de Janiero to look for the other last bird like him in existence, but was kidnapped buy a group of rare animal hunters; right after he arrived in the magical city of Rio. They eventually escaped from captivity and he finally summoned his courage to learn how to fly.Te destroyed all the obstacles that he encountered along the way and together with friends Blu and Jewel flew to freedom!
Both of these macaws were the stars from the film known as Rio. Based from the highly praised family-oriented film, Angry Birds Rio has been modified with exceptional twists. This physic-based game becomes probably the most sought after mobile game these days.
The new Angry Birds Rio has forty-five levels and can add new levels through the application updates. It will likely be available in a little while for download for tablets and for the SmartPhones worldwide. As the overall game progress, new levels are going to be unlocked and there will be are going to be added and game fans will love the higher definition of resolution ever.
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In the game Angry Birds Rio that was release by Rovio Mobile, there are several awards. One of those rewards is to collect 15 golden pineapples in the Smugglers Den. Here are all of the locations I have found so far.
Level 1-2 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Behind the birds, zoom out and shoot backwards
Level 1-6 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the big crate on the far right
Level 1-7 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the crate on the bottom right
Level 1-8 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Zoom out to find the golden pineapple in the package on the right
Level 1-12 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
With the other pineapples in the top right
Level 1-13 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
In the crate on the bottom right
Level 2-1 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Shoot backwards into the lamp
Level 2-2 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Use the first few birds to clear out blocks, then shoot the last bird at a high angle to get it from above
Level 2-4 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Use one of the yellow birds and use it’s speed boost to get the crate
Level 2-6 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Shoot at the first hanging light and get it to swing back into the pineapple
Level 2-7 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Clear out as many blocks with the first two birds, then use the last bird to smash the crate
Level 2-8 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Clear a path, then smash the crate
Level 2-10 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Zoom out and use a yellow bird to hit it. You can shoot high and just hit the chains it’s hanging from
Level 2-12 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
On the far right. Knock a triangular glass block over the edge to get it.
Level 2-15 Golden Pineapple
Golden Pineapples in Angry Birds Rio
Behind the launch pad, launch yellow birds backwards and tap to get a small arc
Good luck! If you find any more before I do, please post them in the comments.
- Angry Birds Rio
The Angry Birds Rio Info – Probably the most well-known iPhone applications this season is the puzzle mobile game known as Angry Birds produced by Rovio Mobile located in Finland. It stayed on the list of the most popular and the most played video game statistics of numbers of downloaded copies gathered by Apps Market, since it was initially launched in December 2009 for Apple’s iOS. It stayed in that position for quite sometime now!
Angry Birds game recorded a 12 million of copies downloaded in just 10 days of launching! The company that developed this game began to create the version that can be applicable to the SmartPhones especially for the individuals that utilize an Android system. It made more millions in downloads and also millions of dollars in profits for Rovio with these new apps upgrades.
Angry Birds game has landed its way to realization with the only inspiration of the Engineers was the sketch of the strange yet stylish, never seen before looking wingless birds. After the enormous success of the Angry Birds in SmartPhones, The version adopted having a tougher and much more fun level relevant with other platforms like PSP, PC and a lot more.
When Rovio ventured into movie making, with the partnership with 20th Century Fox they came up with the summer animated adventure movie titled Angry Birds Rio. It’s a story about a Macaw, (a bird specie) who haven’t found the courage to fly. Who went to Rio de Janiero to look for the other last bird like him in existence, but was kidnapped buy a group of rare animal hunters; right after he arrived in the magical city of Rio. They eventually escaped from captivity and he finally summoned his courage to learn how to fly.Te destroyed all the obstacles that he encountered along the way and together with friends Blu and Jewel flew to freedom!
Both of these macaws were the stars from the film known as Rio. Based from the highly praised family-oriented film, Angry Birds Rio has been modified with exceptional twists. This physic-based game becomes probably the most sought after mobile game these days.
The new Angry Birds Rio has forty-five levels and can add new levels through the application updates. It will likely be available in a little while for download for tablets and for the SmartPhones worldwide. As the overall game progress, new levels are going to be unlocked and there will be are going to be added and game fans will love the higher definition of resolution ever.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds 3-21 Walkthrough Guide
This is my walkthrough for the Poached Eggs level 3-21 for the iPhone game Angry Birds.
High Score: 115,850
Difficulty: Hard
You can get all three stars in this level by only using six angry birds.
Level 3 21 Walkthrough for Poached Eggs in Angry Birds
Aim the first angry bird at the inside corner , just past the second helmeted pig. You want to take out one helmeted pig, and one other pig, weakening the structure.
Aim the second angry bird just a tad lower than the first bird. You want it to smash as far into the structure as you can. You want to take out four pigs on the right side of the structure.
Aim the third angry bird in order to weaken the structure right on top of the big pig. It almost seems like this bird was a waste in my pictures and I think the indicated spot should be shifted to the right a little. Anyway, this pig didn’t do too much.
Aim the fourth angry bird into the main structure to take out as many blocks as possible, including the biggest pig.
Aim the fifth angry bird to take out the remaining pig on the left.
Aim the sixth angry bird to take out the remaining pig on the right.
You should have one pig left to give you some bonus points.
High Score: 115,850
Difficulty: Hard
You can get all three stars in this level by only using six angry birds.
Level 3 21 Walkthrough for Poached Eggs in Angry Birds
Aim the first angry bird at the inside corner , just past the second helmeted pig. You want to take out one helmeted pig, and one other pig, weakening the structure.
Aim the second angry bird just a tad lower than the first bird. You want it to smash as far into the structure as you can. You want to take out four pigs on the right side of the structure.
Aim the third angry bird in order to weaken the structure right on top of the big pig. It almost seems like this bird was a waste in my pictures and I think the indicated spot should be shifted to the right a little. Anyway, this pig didn’t do too much.
Aim the fourth angry bird into the main structure to take out as many blocks as possible, including the biggest pig.
Aim the fifth angry bird to take out the remaining pig on the left.
Aim the sixth angry bird to take out the remaining pig on the right.
You should have one pig left to give you some bonus points.
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Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds 3-20 Walkthrough Guide
This is my walkthrough for the Poached Eggs level 3-20 for the iPhone game Angry Birds.
You can get all three stars in this level by only using three angry birds.

You can get all three stars in this level by only using three angry birds.
- Aim the first angry bird at the top left corner of the structure on the right. You need to take out all five birds on the right side.
- Aim the second angry bird and drop it’s egg bomb right in the middle of the main structure to clear out a bit of the rock.
- Aim the third angry bird at a high angle to break through the middle of the main structure that you jsut cleared out. Do NOT let the bird get all the way to the ground before exploding. I found it best to detonate it early right as it goes through the ceiling rocks in order to get the last pigs.
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Angry Birds Rio
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