Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 10, 2011

Top cliches from gaming sites

Gaming journalism seems to be at an all time high. Thanks to the internet, anyone's able to voice anything from opinions to interviews with game developers. After being a member on n4g, I've noticed a few repeated "hot points" that are made so constantly that they've become cliched. If you'd like to, you may post other "cliches" you've noticed about gaming sites as well. So let us begin:

1. For comparisons sake

Lets face it, one of the most usual ways for people to describe almost anything is by relating it to something else. There comes a point when it's time to make a description in your own words however. When considering the likes of Ebert and Maltin are able to write a 2-ish page review on every movie they've seen WITHOUT ever having to list another movie, there comes a time where gaming journalists/reviewers should do the same. There comes a time when you need to know when to drop the italics and think critically about your piece using only your own words.

2. Top 10 lists (or the number 10 for that matter)

.....Yep. The number 10 is a huge draw to all people, gaming journalists are no exception. Hardly ever do we get to see an awesome "top 37" list, although we do see a few lists that aren't top 10 lists. Instead of veering towards cooler numbers, we see editors make up something random like "Top 10 sissy villians". You want to know what's always the same about these lists? #10

3. A slant towards the Star Wars prequels

With gaming comes nerds. With nerds comes Star Wars nerds. With Star Wars nerds comes Star Wars fanboys who are in a smaller group that dislike the Star Wars prequels. There's always something so tempting about mentioning Episode I when there's a game prequel on the way. The major repeating of this notion leaves me baffled, personally - if you must know I really enjoyed the prequels -. These 3 movies are so downtrodden by the average gaming editor, that it makes me wonder if he's/she's ever seen any other prequel. To all gaming editors, throw in a dumb and dumberer or Exorcist prequel slant to actually be different. Before I go into a rant about defending the SW prequels, I'll leave it there :P.

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